Extremely critical Ruby on Rails bug threatens more than 200,000 sites

Hello Every one
due to some bug in the rails frame work more than 20,000 sites may be
the Extreme critical position, that gives remote attackers the ability
execute malicious code on the underlying servers.

including Github, Hulu, and Basecamp, underscoring the seriousness of

for further details please open below link.

Extremely critical Ruby on Rails bug threatens more than 200,000 sites | Ars Technica

On 7 February 2013 14:59, BalaRaju V. [email protected]

Hello Every one

due to some bug in the rails frame work more than 20,000 sites may be in the
Extreme critical position, that gives remote attackers the ability to execute
malicious code on the underlying servers.

Did you not see the announcement on this list on Jan 8th about the new
versions of rails that fix this issue?
