Extract text from PDF file

In my upcoming application we are uploading the pdf files.
After uploading the pdf file I have to extract the text from pdf and
display it to user.
can anyone tell me how to extract text from pdf file?
Is there any plugin or gem present for this?

On Jan 31, 2011, at 12:12 PM, Tushar G. wrote:

In my upcoming application we are uploading the pdf files.
After uploading the pdf file I have to extract the text from pdf and
display it to user.
can anyone tell me how to extract text from pdf file?
Is there any plugin or gem present for this?

I did this using Paperclip and defining a processor for Paperclip as

module Paperclip

Handles extracting plain text from PDF file attachments

class Text < Processor

 attr_accessor :whiny

 # Creates a Text extract from PDF
 def make
   src = @file
   dst = Tempfile.new([@basename, 'txt'].compact.join("."))
   command = <<-end_command
     "#{ File.expand_path(src.path) }"
     "#{ File.expand_path(dst.path) }"

     success = Paperclip.run("/usr/bin/pdftotext -nopgbrk",

command.gsub(/\s+/, " "))
Rails.logger.info “Processing #{src.path} to #{dst.path} in
the text processor.”
rescue PaperclipCommandLineError
raise PaperclipError, “There was an error processing the text
for #{@basename}” if @whiny

has_attached_file :pdf,:styles => { :text => { :fake =>
‘variable’ } }, :processors => [:text]
after_post_process :extract_text

def extract_text
file = File.open("#{pdf.queued_for_write[:text].path}",“r”)
plain_text = “”
while (line = file.gets)
plain_text << Iconv.conv(‘ASCII//IGNORE’, ‘UTF8’, line)
self.plain_text = plain_text #text column to hold the extracted
text for searching

I had to find and install the creaky-old pdftotext library on my
server (happily, there was an apt-get bundle for it) and configure the
path correctly. When Paperclip accepts a PDF upload, it creates a text
extraction of that file and saves it in system/pdfs/:id/text/
filename.pdf. Note that while it has a .pdf extension, the file itself
is actually just the plain text extracted from the original pdf. After
quite a lot of googling and begging my local Ruby group, I got the
recipe for ripping open that text file and reading it into a variable
to store on the record. The text you get out of pdftotext will vary
wildly in quality and comprehensiveness, but since all I needed was a
way to get a simple search system fed, it works fine for my needs. I
never show this text to anyone, just use it as the “keywords” for
search. You may want/need to present an editing field for the
administrator to clean up these extracted texts.


pdftk, pdfbox (java), pdfkit

Garrett L.

I don’t see how these relate to the question – they are apparently
designed to generate PDFs rather than to extract text from existing
PDF documents. Can you point to an example where these libraries can
be used in that fashion? I’d love to use something more professionally
developed than my own system.


I wrote a plugin that requires attachment_fu and some unixy utilities
the scenes for this several years back:

It works reliably in Rails 2.x apps. I haven’t tried it with Rails 3
You could fork it and update (make it work with PaperClip or Rails 3) it
like or just have a gander for example code.


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 6:36 AM, Garrett L. <

PDFBox is the library I’m using on a current project:

There is a link to “Extract Text” under Command Line Utilities. There is
also a section called “Text Extraction” under Tutorials.

There is a ruby command line utility that wraps PDFBox called Docsplit:
http://documentcloud.github.com/docsplit/ that might be worth looking

For pdftk:

Hope this helps,
Garrett L.