Is there a Ruby function similar to PHP’s extract/list? What I’d like to
do is:
def foo(args={a=>1, b=>2, c=>3})
puts a
puts b
puts c
Is there a Ruby function similar to PHP’s extract/list? What I’d like to
do is:
def foo(args={a=>1, b=>2, c=>3})
puts a
puts b
puts c
Robert K. wrote:
csnYou cannot do that as local variables have to be declared in the code.
You’ll have to do that by hand, i.e.,
Robert’s correct in the general case, but you can read a hash and have
locals that can be accessed through eval:
But probably, like he said, you want to refactor
csn [email protected] wrote:
You cannot do that as local variables have to be declared in the code.
You’ll have to do that by hand, i.e.,
def foo(args={:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
a = args[:a] || 1
b = args[:b] || 2
a = args[:c] || 3
puts a,b,c
def foo(args={})
args = args.merge(:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3)
a = args[:a]
b = args[:b]
a = args[:c]
puts a,b,c
What do you need that for? Maybe there is a better solution.
Kind regards
Duh… yea, should have read the previously posted link,
local_variable_set does make quite a bit more sense!
This is a weak solution, but:
args.each_pair { |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) }
will create instance variables for each key in the hash and set them to
the associated value. There may be a way to extend Hash with an
extract method, but I’m not thinking right now so Calling
instance_variable_set will create the variable within the scope of the
Hash, so it wont be usable where you actually want it.
Another solution could be to use OpenStruct:
def foo(args={:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
args =
puts args.a
puts args.b
puts args.c
Hope that helps a little,
csn wrote:
Is there a Ruby function similar to PHP’s extract/list? What I’d like to
do is:def foo(args={a=>1, b=>2, c=>3})
args.extractputs a
puts b
puts c
I’m kind of disturbed by how hard this actually seems. There does not
seem to be any decent way to modify the set of local variables through
introspection. Here’s a weak work-around:
def foo(args={:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
@args = args
def method_missing(m)
puts a
puts b
puts c
Thanks for the replies. I also found this bit of code:
Which is similar to Scott’s ‘instance_variable_set’ above:
def extract(hash)
hash.each do |key,value|
eval “$#{key} = #{value.inspect}”
Maybe it’s possible to rewrite this into something inside of a function
which only sets local variables:
def foo(args=>{:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
for key, value in args # or for args[0…args.length] ?
eval “#{key} = #{value.inspect}”
puts a, b, c
I’m surprised there’s not an easy and simple way too ;(. I read in
Programming Ruby that named arguments are planned for Ruby 2.0.
I came up with this:
def foo(args = {‘a’=>1, ‘b’=>2, ‘c’=>3})
a,b,c = args.values_at(‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’)
puts a,b,c
a,b,c = args.values
puts a,b,c
def foo2(args = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
a,b,c = args.values
puts a,b,c
foo outputs:
foo2 outputs:
Jeffrey S. [email protected] wrote:
endputs a
puts b
puts cend
Very weak. This is by no means thread safe. Also it will keep
references to
the arguments around after the method terminates. Plus, you’re
method_missing all the time. Too many drawbacks IMHO.
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set dynamically.
you want to use them, you’ll have to make them explicitely anyway. So
do we gain? Is there a real world problem that can’t be solved without
Robert K. wrote:
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set dynamically.
If you want to use them, you’ll have to make them explicitely anyway.
So what do we gain? Is there a real world problem that can’t be solved
without this?
Of course not. But some code is a lot cleaner if you can use the local
symbol table as a hash. This is a common technique in Perl, and it
seems to be in Python (via [gs]etattr and globals()) as well.
2006/2/4, Jeffrey S. [email protected]:
Robert K. wrote:
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set dynamically.
If you want to use them, you’ll have to make them explicitely anyway.
So what do we gain? Is there a real world problem that can’t be solved
without this?Of course not. But some code is a lot cleaner if you can use the local
symbol table as a hash. This is a common technique in Perl, and it
seems to be in Python (via [gs]etattr and globals()) as well.
Ruby != Perl && Ruby != Python
I’d rather discuss this with a real world example that demonstrates
where this idiom is really needed or at least superior in clarity. ATM
I fail to see where this would bring real benefits.
On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 19:46:03 -0000, csn
[email protected]
def foo2(args = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3})
a,b,c = args.valuesputs a,b,c
Careful with that, I think hash order is undefined?
I was playing a bit with this stuff recently and came up with this:
class Method
def arg_names
catch(:traced) do
dummy_args = [nil]
dummy_args *= self.arity unless self.arity < 0
set_trace_func lambda { |event, file, line, id, bdng, cls|
if event == 'call'
set_trace_func nil
throw(:traced, eval('local_variables',bdng).map { |lv|
lv.intern })
# if we get here, call is bust
set_trace_func nil
raise "No ruby method call in block"
def hcall(hash, &blk)
names = arg_names.reject { |n| n =~ /^(.*proc|bl(oc)?k)$/ }
call(* { |n| hash[n] or raise "Missing argument" }, &blk)
def foo(a,b,c)
p [a,b,c]
method(:foo).hcall(:c => 'C', :a => 'A', :b => 'B')
# => ["A", "B", "C"]
but it’s block argument handling is very weak and it can’t handle
implemented in C. Better to just wait for Ruby 2.0. Personally, I’ve
once missed them anyway.
Jeffrey S. wrote:
Robert K. wrote:
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set dynamically.
If you want to use them, you’ll have to make them explicitely anyway.
So what do we gain? Is there a real world problem that can’t be solved
without this?Of course not. But some code is a lot cleaner if you can use the local
symbol table as a hash. This is a common technique in Perl, and it
seems to be in Python (via [gs]etattr and globals()) as well.
I think on this specific point you’re wrong about python. Writing to
globals dict will change the global namespace, writing to locals dict
won’t have any effect (it’s often described as read-only, but that’s
not quite correct)
Maybe we’re arguing about passing keywords args to a method, in which
case you can look at Gavin S.'s solution in the draft Ruby
Gene T. wrote:
Maybe we’re arguing about passing keywords args to a method, in which
case you can look at Gavin S.'s solution in the draft Ruby
it’s here too
Jeffrey S. wrote:
Robert K. wrote:
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set dynamically.
If you want to use them, you’ll have to make them explicitely anyway.
So what do we gain? Is there a real world problem that can’t be solved
without this?Of course not. But some code is a lot cleaner if you can use the local
symbol table as a hash. This is a common technique in Perl, and it
seems to be in Python (via [gs]etattr and globals()) as well.
It may be common in Perl, but it is just as misguided there as well.
Read Why it's stupid to `use a variable as a variable name' for details.
– Jim W.
Jeffrey S. [email protected] writes:
Robert K. wrote:
I don’t know why people strive to get local variables set
dynamically. If you want to use them, you’ll have to make them
explicitely anyway. So what do we gain? Is there a real world
problem that can’t be solved without this?Of course not. But some code is a lot cleaner if you can use the
local symbol table as a hash. This is a common technique in Perl, and
it seems to be in Python (via [gs]etattr and globals()) as well.
If that’s true, consider it a good reason not to.
Local variables are local variables and not meant to be syntactic
shortcuts for anything else.
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