Extra output?

Hi all. Sorry for the flood.

Another question:

When running my rails unit tests, with 1.9.x MRI I get

failure messages that look like:

  1. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method fixture_file_upload' for #<ImageTest:0x69eab60> vendor/plugins/substruct/test/unit/image_test.rb:9:in test_should_create_image’

with IR, I get (much) more verbose output, thus:

  1. Error:
    NoMethodError: undefined method `fixture_file_upload’ for
    #<ImageTest:0x00013d8 @method_name=“test_should_create_image”,
    @…[about 3000 more characters of description]>

Anybody know what’s going on there?

Also I was confused as to bug tracking: googleing for “ironruby bug
tracker” first returned

Maybe want to disable that.


The default “inspect” behavior of any method is to display all its
instance variables. 1.9 might be more conservative about this.

And when in doubt, http://ironruby.net/Support is where you look for the
latest on issue reporting.


And when in doubt, http://ironruby.net/Support is where you look for the
latest on issue reporting.

