Just curious, which are all the modules need help with? I am interested
in contributing.
----- Original Message ----
From: John L. (IRONRUBY) [email protected]
To: IronRuby External Code R. [email protected]
Cc: “[email protected]” [email protected]
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2008 12:07:13 PM
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Code Review: socket2
tfpt review /shelveset:socket2;REDMOND\jflam
Overall - looks good! We really want to turn on tests for this stuff.
Jim’s looking at getting the latest rubinius specs running so we can
deprecate our current spec snapshot soon - hopefully this week.
A few minor nits below:
Seems like you have a couple of redundant Protocols.CastToString calls
here - domain is always a MutableString based on your ctor …
private static Socket CreateSocket(CodeContext/*!*/ context,
MutableString/!/ domain, MutableString/!/ type, object/Numeric/
protocol) {
RubyExecutionContext ec =
RubyClass rubySocketClass =
AddressFamily addressFamily =
(AddressFamily)RubyUtils.GetConstant(context, rubySocketClass,
SymbolTable.StringToId(Protocols.CastToString(context, domain)), true);
ProtocolType protocolType =
(ProtocolType)(Protocols.CastToFixnum(context, protocol));
SocketType socketType =
(SocketType)RubyUtils.GetConstant(context, rubySocketClass,
SymbolTable.StringToId(Protocols.CastToString(context, type)), true);
return new Socket(addressFamily, socketType, protocolType);
Also … Socket should be Socket/!/ since there is only one code path
out of this method barring exceptions. I’ve fixed these minor things in
my copy.
Following this analysis, this also leads to _socket in
RubyBasicSocket:23 being a /!/ as well.
BTW, I really like the /Numeric/ annotations that you’ve been putting
in your code. This could lead us to doing something smarter in the
future in the binder like adding a parameter attribute [Numeric] to
coerce the binder into doing some smarter things with the conversions.
Thinking aloud about this method - would it make more sense to have
MutableString and int overloads that delegate to helpers rather than
dropping everything into a single method like this one here?
internal static MutableString
ConvertToHostString(CodeContext/!/ context, object hostname) {
if (hostname == null) {
return null;
if (hostname is MutableString) {
MutableString strHostname = (MutableString)hostname;
// Special cases
if (strHostname == “” ) {
strHostname = new MutableString(“”);
} else if (strHostname == “”) {
strHostname = new MutableString(“”);
return strHostname;
int iHostname;
if (Protocols.IntegerAsFixnum(hostname, out iHostname)) {
// Ruby uses Little Endian whereas .NET uses Big Endian
IP values
byte[] bytes = new byte[4];
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
bytes[i] = (byte)(iHostname & 0xff);
iHostname >>= 8;
return new MutableString(new
return Protocols.CastToString(context, hostname);
Some other points - seems some of the code below could be delegated to
the Protocols.CheckSafeLevel() helpers that you added. BTW, we should
probably spend some time and make a call about what we’re going to do
about all of the safe level stuff. Arguably this stuff isn’t necessary
due to CLR safety (especially in Silverlight contexts).
internal static void CheckSecurity(CodeContext/*!*/ context,
object self, string message) {
RubyExecutionContext ec =
if (ec.CurrentSafeLevel >= 4 && ec.IsObjectTainted(self)) {
throw RubyExceptions.CreateSecurityError("Insecure: " +