External commands in a controller

I have various files of extensions .cpp stored on the server. When
user clicks on the compile button, I should run gcc command passing
the absolute path of the file to gcc compiler and then show the user
the output of the file.
How can i do that???

Jatin K. wrote:

I have various files of extensions .cpp stored on the server. When
user clicks on the compile button, I should run gcc command passing
the absolute path of the file to gcc compiler and then show the user
the output of the file.
How can i do that???

A silly contrived example:


GET /users

GET /users.xml

def index
@users = User.all
@out = ls -l /Users/robertwalker/Desktop

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @users }



List of files on Desktop: <%= simple_format(@out) %>

The above dummy code will only list the files in the directory, which
is something i don’t really want. I want to individually run all these
files with gcc compiler and then show the user the output/ errors in
the process to the user, in front of each file. Now can you help me???