Extending RDoc ( or Yard )

I’m using the excelent CouchRest gem and I would like to document my
models. For example I have a simple model.

class SearchEngines < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument

    # Holds the link to the bing search engine
    property :bing

    # Holds the link to  google search engine
    property :google


Now if I want :bing and :google to turn up in the rdoc or yardoc what
would I have to do.


Brad P.


On Mar 20, 9:29 pm, Ryan D. [email protected] wrote:

   property :bing

blah blah

whatever :value

Thanks for the tip

On Mar 20, 2010, at 05:41 , bradphelan wrote:


Now if I want :bing and :google to turn up in the rdoc or yardoc what
would I have to do.

It already works. Put “##” on a line before your rdoc and it’ll get
picked up.

blah blah

whatever :value