I would like to know if it’s possile to extend the class AdminUI in
module Radiant. I try to do it by creating a folder Radiant in the lib
folder of my extension, and then create a module Radiant within a class
AdminUI. In this class I modify the Tab class.
When I do that, my class is not loaded when server start.
Then, is it possible to extend the class AdminUi like this ?
I would like to know if it’s possile to extend the class AdminUI in
module Radiant. I try to do it by creating a folder Radiant in the lib
folder of my extension, and then create a module Radiant within a
AdminUI. In this class I modify the Tab class.
When I do that, my class is not loaded when server start.
Then, is it possible to extend the class AdminUi like this ?
I would like to know if it’s possile to extend the class AdminUI in
module Radiant. I try to do it by creating a folder Radiant in the lib
folder of my extension, and then create a module Radiant within a
AdminUI. In this class I modify the Tab class.
When I do that, my class is not loaded when server start.
Then, is it possible to extend the class AdminUi like this ?
Stephane, what is the goal of your efforts?
I would like to create a second level of navigation when needed, then
create a ‘sub tab’ system by simply extending current Tab with a TabSet
need to
I would like to create a second level of navigation when needed, then
create a ‘sub tab’ system by simply extending current Tab with a TabSet
need to
add an accessor
a method
modify initialize
I did it already by patching the code but I would like to do it in an
It is a pretty standard Ruby practice to re-open the class, but
sometimes I find this doesn’t work as expected. Instead, you can try
doing a class_eval or module_eval on the intended class, which will
make sure it’s auto-loaded before you try to override or extend it.
It is a pretty standard Ruby practice to re-open the class, but
sometimes I find this doesn’t work as expected. Instead, you can try
doing a class_eval or module_eval on the intended class, which will
make sure it’s auto-loaded before you try to override or extend it.
Radiant::AdminUI::Tab.class_eval {
your code here
Thanks for your help. Finally I put my extended code in the definition
of the extension. It looks to work fine… but not really clean. It
seems that only my folder lib/radiant can’t be loaded :(, is there any
way to force to load this folder ?
I saw when creating a new class, it will load it only if I call an
instance of it; only at this stage radiant/rails will look in the lib
folder. Then in the case of Radiant::AdminUI I guess it will not look in
lib as the class already exist.
Is it a matter of Radiant extension mechanism ?
I will try to improve my code and all suggestions are welcome
If you do not care for the solution you have in place, you could
place your code in a file like /lib/radiant/admin_ui_ext.rb,
then in your extension loader, ‘require “radiant/admin_ui_ext”’. Now
the ugly is in the fact that you have a file named slightly
differently than the class it contains, and reloading will not work,
as far as I understand dependencies.rb (a Rails thing).
So, I guess you may have to leave it the way it is.
adam williams
I tried to do like this and I got “already initialized constant” error
message. But mechanism is now clear for me. thanks for the help
As you suspect, Radiant::AdminUI is discovered before your extension
is loaded. Your file will not be discovered; the dependencies
mechanism which provides for the discovery of missing constants will
not be triggered - Radiant::AdminUI is not missing, though if it
were, it would find it in your /lib.
If you do not care for the solution you have in place, you could
place your code in a file like /lib/radiant/admin_ui_ext.rb,
then in your extension loader, ‘require “radiant/admin_ui_ext”’. Now
the ugly is in the fact that you have a file named slightly
differently than the class it contains, and reloading will not work,
as far as I understand dependencies.rb (a Rails thing).
So, I guess you may have to leave it the way it is.
adam williams
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