Extend an object with module stored

I would like extend dynamically an object with one or more Module that I
save into an Hash (I now only this way).

categorie << Categoria.new(‘Definizioni Testuali’, {:name_module =>
ListaDefinizioni, })
categorie << Categoria.new(‘Definizioni Testuali’, {:name_module =>
ListaDefinizioni, :name_module => ListaDefinizioniEditor})

Then I have store this information in a YAML file, but when I dump the
hash I lost the info about the module.

— !ruby/array:Categorie

  • !ruby/object:Categoria
    descrizione: Definizioni Testuali
    estensioni: # MY HASH
    :name_module: !ruby/object:Module {}
  • !ruby/object:Categoria
    descrizione: Definizioni Testuali
    estensioni: # MY HASH
    :name_module: !ruby/object:Module {}

So when I try to extend, nothing to do.
This code do not give me errors, but it do not extend my object.

@categoria.extension is the hash with the module

@categoria.estensioni.each_value { |estensione| @denotato.send(‘extend’,
estensione) }

Do you know some tecnique to extend an Object with module stored in YAML
Thanks so much to all for the help.


Andrea R. wrote:

Then I have store this information in a YAML file, but when I dump the
estensioni: # MY HASH

Do you know some tecnique to extend an Object with module stored in YAML
Thanks so much to all for the help.


I had some code to serialize module and class identities (without any of
their instance variables or class variables, though) with 1.8.2 (see
below) but it seems not to work with 1.8.4. I will take a look at it
later today.

class Module
def is_complex_yaml?
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out << "!ruby/module "
self.name.to_yaml( :Emitter => out )
YAML.add_ruby_type(/^module/) do |type, val|
subtype, subclass = YAML.read_type_class(type, Module)
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) { |p, n| p.const_get(n)}

class Class
def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out << "!ruby/class "
self.name.to_yaml( :Emitter => out )
YAML.add_ruby_type(/^class/) do |type, val|
subtype, subclass = YAML.read_type_class(type, Class)
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) { |p, n| p.const_get(n)}

Andrea R. wrote:

I would like extend dynamically an object with one or more Module that I
save into an Hash (I now only this way).

categorie << Categoria.new(‘Definizioni Testuali’, {:name_module =>
ListaDefinizioni, })
categorie << Categoria.new(‘Definizioni Testuali’, {:name_module =>
ListaDefinizioni, :name_module => ListaDefinizioniEditor})

Then I have store this information in a YAML file, but when I dump the
hash I lost the info about the module.

< snip YAML />

So when I try to extend, nothing to do.
This code do not give me errors, but it do not extend my object.

@categoria.extension is the hash with the module

@categoria.estensioni.each_value { |estensione| @denotato.send(‘extend’,
estensione) }

Do you know some tecnique to extend an Object with module stored in YAML
Thanks so much to all for the help.

I assume that the module used may vary from object to
object (otherwise it is not necessary to to serialize
it, of course)?

One simple thing you could do would be to store the
name of the module instead of the constant. Then,
after loading the YAML, you can use Module#const_get
to obtain the constant again.



Joel VanderWerf wrote:

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

I had some code to serialize module and class identities (without any of
their instance variables or class variables, though) with 1.8.2 (see
below) but it seems not to work with 1.8.4. I will take a look at it
later today.

Here’s a version for 1.8.4. Are you listening, _why, and is there a
chance of putting this in the YAML lib?

I will try in the next days.

Sample code:

yy = [Enumerable, Comparable, String, File].to_yaml
puts yy
p YAML.load(yy)


  • !ruby/module Enumerable
  • !ruby/module Comparable
  • !ruby/class String
  • !ruby/class File
    [Enumerable, Comparable, String, File]

Thanks for the answer.

Joel VanderWerf wrote:

I had some code to serialize module and class identities (without any of
their instance variables or class variables, though) with 1.8.2 (see
below) but it seems not to work with 1.8.4. I will take a look at it
later today.

Here’s a version for 1.8.4. Are you listening, _why, and is there a
chance of putting this in the YAML lib?

Sample code:

yy = [Enumerable, Comparable, String, File].to_yaml
puts yy
p YAML.load(yy)


  • !ruby/module Enumerable
  • !ruby/module Comparable
  • !ruby/class String
  • !ruby/class File
    [Enumerable, Comparable, String, File]


require ‘yaml’

class Module
yaml_as “tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:module”

def Module.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
if String === val
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) {|m, n| m.const_get(n)}
raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Module: " + val.inspect

def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out.scalar( “tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:module”, self.name, :plain )

class Class
yaml_as “tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:class”

def Class.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
if String === val
val.split(/::/).inject(Object) {|m, n| m.const_get(n)}
raise YAML::TypeError, "Invalid Class: " + val.inspect

def to_yaml( opts = {} )
YAML::quick_emit( nil, opts ) { |out|
out.scalar( “tag:ruby.yaml.org,2002:class”, self.name, :plain )