Export CSV

Hi friends,

i am using csv export on my application. in my view file code is

<%- headers = [“Transaction ID”, “Activity ID”, “Product Name”,“Customer
Name”, “Ticket code”] -%>
<%= CSV.generate_line(headers).strip %>
<%if !@trans.nil? && @trans.length > 0 %>
<% @trans.each do |tran|%>

<% if !tran.transaction_id.nil? &&
= tran.transaction_id%><%else%><%tran_id = “-”%><%end%>
<% if !tran.activity_id.nil? && tran.activity_id.present?%><%tran_actid

tran.activity_id%><%else%><%tran_actid = “-”%><%end%>
<% if !tran.activity_name.nil? &&
tran.activity_name.present?%><%tran_actname =
tran.activity_name%><%else%><%tran_actname = “-”%><%end%>
<% if !tran.customer_name.nil? &&
tran.customer_name.present?%><%cus_name =
tran.customer_name%><%else%><%cus_name = “-”%><%end%>
<% if !tran.ticket_code.nil? && tran.ticket_code.present?%><%tran_code =
tran.ticket_code%><%else%><%tran_code = “-”%><%end%>

<%- row = [ tran_id, tran_actid,  tran_actname, cus_name, tran_code 

<%#= CSV.generate_line(row).html_safe.strip%>
Sorry we found no results

now i got 5 extra empty rows how can avoid the empty rows.

thanks for advance.

On 8 November 2013 06:24, Daynthan K. [email protected]

tran.ticket_code%><%else%><%tran_code = “-”%><%end%>

<%- row = [ tran_id, tran_actid,  tran_actname, cus_name, tran_code ]

<%#= CSV.generate_line(row).html_safe.strip%>
Sorry we found no results

now i got 5 extra empty rows how can avoid the empty rows.

Do you mean that @trans.count is 5 less than the number of rows
generated? If you, for example, include something like
puts “@trans.count = #{@trans.count}”
in the code then this will be displayed in the server window.


On Nov 8, 2013, at 12:24 AM, Daynthan K. [email protected]

<% if !tran.transaction_id.nil? && tran.transaction_id.present?%><%tran_id =
tran.transaction_id%><%else%><%tran_id = “-”%><%end%>

now i got 5 extra empty rows how can avoid the empty rows.

thanks for advance.

Seems like this would be a lot easier to deal with as a helper than all
this code in the view in ERB.