this is from an authentication plugin. i cant make sense of it, and
dont understand wot the ‘||=’ symbol does. i cant google for it, cos
google strips the search for the symbol. can someone explain step by
step wot the function is doing ?
this is from an authentication plugin. i cant make sense of it, and
dont understand wot the ‘||=’ symbol does. i cant google for it, cos
google strips the search for the symbol. can someone explain step by
step wot the function is doing ?
This is a ruby question so probably better suited to other places, but
for most operators
a op= b is the same as a = a op b
So a ||= b is the same a = a || b
Because of the way ruby evaluates these things, it means set a to b
unless a is already set (in which case it won’t even evaluate b).
|| :false if username && passwd
This is a ruby question so probably better suited to other places, but
for most operators
a op= b is the same as a = a op b
So a ||= b is the same a = a || b
Because of the way ruby evaluates these things, it means set a to b
unless a is already set (in which case it won’t even evaluate b).
There’s at least one edge-case which reveals that it a ||= b and
a = a || b aren’t quite the same:
irb(main):007:0> h =
=> {}
irb(main):008:0> h[:x] ||= 2
=> 1
irb(main):009:0> h
=> {}