This would work, but I don’t have a fixed root for images. I’d like to
do it
throughout an entire site - or would I simply change the root in the
example to my document root ?
Chris I gave that a shot, but am testing the site with Firebug & YSlow
(dunno if
you’ve used them but it’s a Yahoo thing that isolates slowdowns on page
and makes recommendations.
I needed to specify the root or it would default to nginx’s default
Your regex works well, but only works for images without underscores,
or anything infact that isn’t just a continuous text string. Would it be
enough to modify in order to cope with this ?
It should work with underscores, hyphen’s etc. as its grabbing all
from the .+ that should match all char’s that is not a line break.
Also about ignoring root. I set my root in the base of the server
config. IE
server {
listen 80;
I try to keep everything at the lowest part that i need it. I use the
directive in the main http section as most of my sites will use those.
if i need custom then i will adjust in each of my server sections. Same
thing with my server sections. i do a root in the toplevel of the server
directive so everything works no matter what i do and then IF i need a
location to go somewhere else i put that inside the location. I think
is easier and solves alot of issues of having to remember to put them in
multiple location’s etc etc. Only overwrite it if you need it.
you don’t actually -need- a location / either, it seems. unless your
config requires it due to some other stuff. but i don’t have any of
those in mine and it works fine.
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