Hello guys,
I am new to ruby and wanted to learn more in-depth about active records
library. Where should I start from? Are there any printed/online
books/resources I can look through?
I came across to “Pro Active Record: Databases with Ruby and Rails” book
authored by Kevin M., Chad P. and Jon Yurek. But that seems to
be quite old(2007 edition).
Thanks in advance
Read the documentation at api.rubyonrails.org and the source on github.
Dheeraj K.
Yep, you’re wrong.
I assume you’ve read Michael H.'s rails tutorial and/or Agile Web
Development with Rails.
Dheeraj K.
Thanks Dheeraj for your quick response. But I was looking for some
book/managed resource for a kick starter. I was thinking to go through
the source later. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Manoj Monga
Yes I have read Michael H.'s rails tutorial. Thanks for the advice.