test_bignum.rb e$B$K%F%9%H$rDI2C$7$FLVMe@-$r>e$2$F$_$^$7$?!#e(B
gcov e$B$G$Ne(B bignum.c e$B$N%+%P%l%C%8$,e(B 50% e$B$+$ie(B 90%
$ ./ruby test/ruby/test_bignum.rb
Loaded suite test/ruby/test_bignum
…test/ruby/test_bignum.rb:251: warning: in
ab, b may be too big
test/ruby/test_bignum.rb:252: warning: in ab, b may be too big
warning: Bignum out of Float range
warning: Bignum out of Float range
warning: Bignum out of Float range
…test/ruby/test_bignum.rb:162: warning: Bignum out of Float range
Finished in 2.3600356 seconds.
37 tests, 299 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
$ gcov bignum.c
File ‘/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h’
Lines executed:0.00% of 6
/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h:creating ‘sysmacros.h.gcov’
File ‘./include/ruby/ruby.h’
Lines executed:45.45% of 22
./include/ruby/ruby.h:creating ‘ruby.h.gcov’
File ‘bignum.c’
Lines executed:93.01% of 1187
bignum.c:creating ‘bignum.c.gcov’
Index: test/ruby/test_bignum.rb
— test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (revision 15159)
+++ test/ruby/test_bignum.rb (working copy)
@@ -95,4 +95,257 @@
- T_ZERO = (2**32).coerce(0).first
- T_ONE = (2**32).coerce(1).first
- T_MONE = (2**32).coerce(-1).first
- T31 = 2**31 # 2147483648
- T31P = T31 - 1 # 2147483647
- T32 = 2**32 # 4294967296
- T32P = T32 - 1 # 4294967295
- T64 = 2**64 # 18446744073709551616
- T64P = T64 - 1 # 18446744073709551615
- def test_big_2comp
- assert_equal("-4294967296", (~T32P).to_s)
- assert_equal("…f00000000", “%x” % -T32)
- end
- def test_int2inum
- assert_equal([T31P], [T31P].pack(“I”).unpack(“I”))
- assert_equal([T31P], [T31P].pack(“i”).unpack(“i”))
- end
- def test_quad_pack
- assert_equal([ 1], [ 1].pack(“q”).unpack(“q”))
- assert_equal([- 1], [- 1].pack(“q”).unpack(“q”))
- assert_equal([ T31P], [ T31P].pack(“q”).unpack(“q”))
- assert_equal([-T31P], [-T31P].pack(“q”).unpack(“q”))
- assert_equal([ T64P], [ T64P].pack(“Q”).unpack(“Q”))
- assert_equal([ 0], [ T64 ].pack(“Q”).unpack(“Q”))
- end
- def test_str_to_inum
- assert_equal(1, " +1".to_i)
- assert_equal(-1, " -1".to_i)
- assert_equal(0, “++1”.to_i)
- assert_equal(73, “111”.oct)
- assert_equal(273, “0x111”.oct)
- assert_equal(7, “0b111”.oct)
- assert_equal(73, “0o111”.oct)
- assert_equal(111, “0d111”.oct)
- assert_equal(73, “0111”.oct)
- assert_equal(111, Integer(“111”))
- assert_equal(13, “111”.to_i(3))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { “111”.to_i(37) }
- assert_equal(1333, “111”.to_i(36))
- assert_equal(1057, “111”.to_i(32))
- assert_equal(0, “00a”.to_i)
- assert_equal(1, Integer("1 "))
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer(“1_”) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer(“1__”) }
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer(“1_0 x”) }
- assert_equal(T31P, “1111111111111111111111111111111”.to_i(2))
- end
- def test_to_s2
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { T31P.to_s(37) }
- assert_equal(32768, (10**32768-1).to_s.size)
- assert_raise(RangeError) { Process.wait(1, T64P) }
- assert_equal(“0”, T_ZERO.to_s)
- assert_equal(“1”, T_ONE.to_s)
- end
- def test_to_f
- assert_nothing_raised { T31P.to_f.to_i }
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { (1024**1024).to_f.to_i }
- end
- def test_cmp
- assert(T31P > 1)
- assert(T31P < 2147483648.0)
- assert(T31P < T64P)
- assert(T64P > T31P)
- assert_raise(ArgumentError) { T31P < “foo” }
- end
- def test_eq
- assert(T31P != 1)
- assert(T31P == 2147483647.0)
- assert(T31P != “foo”)
- end
- def test_eql
- assert(T31P.eql?(T31P))
- end
- def test_convert
- assert_equal([255], [T_MONE].pack(“C”).unpack(“C”))
- assert_equal([0], [T32].pack(“C”).unpack(“C”))
- assert_raise(RangeError) { 0.to_s(T32) }
- assert_raise(Errno::EINVAL) { Process.wait(0, T32P) }
- assert_raise(RangeError) { Process.wait(0, T32) }
- assert_raise(RangeError) { Process.wait(0, -T32P) }
- end
- def test_sub
- assert_equal(-T31, T32 - (T32 + T31))
- end
- def test_plus
- assert_equal(T64 + T32, T32 + T64)
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32P + 1.0)
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 + “foo” }
- end
- def test_minus
- assert_equal(T32P.to_f, T32 - 1.0)
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 - “foo” }
- end
- def test_mul
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32 * 1.0)
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 * “foo” }
- end
- def test_divrem
- assert_equal(0, T32 / T64)
- end
- def test_div
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32 / 1.0)
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 / “foo” }
- end
- def test_modulo
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 % “foo” }
- end
- def test_remainder
- assert_equal(0, T32.remainder(1))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.remainder(“foo”) }
- end
- def test_divmod
- assert_equal([T32, 0], T32.divmod(1))
- assert_equal([2, 0], T32.divmod(T31))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.divmod(“foo”) }
- end
- def test_quo
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(1))
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(1.0))
- assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(T_ONE))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.quo(“foo”) }
- assert_equal(10241024, (10241024).quo(1))
- assert_equal(10241024, (10241024).quo(1.0))
- assert_equal(10241024*2, (10241024*2).quo(1))
- inf = 1 / 0.0; nan = inf / inf
- assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { (1024**1024*2).quo(nan) }
- end
- def test_pow
- assert_equal(1.0, T32 ** 0.0)
- assert_equal(1.0 / T32, T32 ** -1)
- assert((T32 ** T32).infinite?)
- assert((T32 ** (2**30-1)).infinite?)
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T32**“foo” }
- end
- def test_and
- assert_equal(0, T32 & 1)
- assert_equal(-T32, (-T32) & (-T31))
- assert_equal(0, T32 & T64)
- end
- def test_or
- assert_equal(T32 + 1, T32 | 1)
- assert_equal(T32 + T31, T32 | T31)
- assert_equal(-T31, (-T32) | (-T31))
- assert_equal(T64 + T32, T32 | T64)
- end
- def test_xor
- assert_equal(T32 + 1, T32 ^ 1)
- assert_equal(T32 + T31, T32 ^ T31)
- assert_equal(T31, (-T32) ^ (-T31))
- assert_equal(T64 + T32, T32 ^ T64)
- end
- def test_shift2
- assert_equal(233, (232) << 1)
- assert_equal(231, (232) << -1)
- assert_equal(233, (232) << 1.0)
- assert_equal(231, (232) << -1.0)
- assert_equal(233, (232) << T_ONE)
- assert_equal(231, (232) << T_MONE)
- assert_equal(231, (232) >> 1)
- assert_equal(233, (232) >> -1)
- assert_equal(231, (232) >> 1.0)
- assert_equal(233, (232) >> -1.0)
- assert_equal(231, (232) >> T_ONE)
- assert_equal(233, (232) >> T_MONE)
- assert_equal( 0, (232) >> (232))
- assert_equal(-1, -(232) >> (232))
- assert_equal( 0, (2**32) >> 128)
- assert_equal(-1, -(2**32) >> 128)
- assert_equal( 0, (2**31) >> 32)
- assert_equal(-1, -(2**31) >> 32)
- end
- def test_aref
- assert_equal(0, (2**32)[0])
- assert_equal(0, (232)[232])
- assert_equal(0, (232)[-(232)])
- assert_equal(0, (2**32)[T_ZERO])
- assert_equal(0, (-(2**64))[0])
- assert_equal(1, (-2**256)[256])
- end
- def test_hash
- assert_nothing_raised { T31P.hash }
- end
- def test_coerce
- assert_equal([T64P, T31P], T31P.coerce(T64P))
- assert_raise(TypeError) { T31P.coerce(nil) }
- end
- def test_abs
- assert_equal(T31P, (-T31P).abs)
- end
- def test_size
- assert(T31P.size.is_a?(Integer))
- end
- def test_odd
- assert_equal(true, (2**32+1).odd?)
- assert_equal(false, (2**32).odd?)
- end
- def test_even
- assert_equal(false, (2**32+1).even?)
- assert_equal(true, (2**32).even?)
- end
- def interrupt
- time = Time.now
- start_flag = false
- end_flag = false
- thread = Thread.new do
start_flag = true
end_flag = true
- end
- sleep 1
- thread.raise
- thread.join rescue nil
- start_flag && !end_flag && Time.now - time < 10
- end
- def test_interrupt
- assert(interrupt { (65536 ** 65536).to_s })
- end