Exemplary Rails 2.1 app?


An exemplary Rails 1.x app is Beast, for example. I have always been
able to download it and experiment with it, to try extracurricular
Rails experiments from a good base. Without the burden of writing my
own app (gee, maybe an online forum, for example!).

What’s a good example of a public Rails 2.1 app? I suspect Beast does
not do 2.1 yet. Something like a blog, wiki, or dashboard that I could
download, play with, and make an example of?


I’ve written a rails application in 2.1, and whilst it’s probably not
your definition of “exemplary” it’s an application none the less.

I’ve written a rails application in 2.1, and whilst it’s probably not
your definition of “exemplary” it’s an application none the less.GitHub - radar/rboard: A fully featured forum system compatible with Rails 2.3

Tx! Now your migration fails on this line:

u = UserLevel.find_by_name("User")
u.position = 1

The fix:

rake db:migrate:reset VERSION=20080730091145
rake db:fixtures:load
rake db:migrate

Going forward, I too don’t know what the best practice is, between
fixtures and migrations, to prime a database with the correct initial


Altered Beast is a Rails 2.x rewrite of Beast:


On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Phlip [email protected] wrote:

download, play with, and make an example of?



My books:

http://humblelittlerubybook.com/ (FREE!)

Next, I seem to be missing some sphinxie goodness:

undefined method `define_index’ for #Class:0xb6e7d658
from /home/phlip/tools/rboard/app/models/post.rb:8

Commenting out the define_index block lets me run the specs, with only
2 failures. I will just clobber them.

(Curiously, the failures don’t say “sphinx”, but that thing is a son-
of-a-bitch to test, so I don’t blame you for skipping it!)

And in conclusion, thanks for the new toy!


I think the ‘initial’ project aspires to be an exemplary 2.x app:


