Executing multiple rspec scripts

I’m new to RSpec. I’ve just installed the gem and begun experimenting
developing several scripts. From what I’ve seen thus far, it looks like
will aid our QA team in testing many web applications. Is there a way
execute multiple rspec test scripts from one central file?

On Jul 10, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Robert Stagner wrote:

I’m new to RSpec. I’ve just installed the gem and begun
experimenting with developing several scripts. From what I’ve seen
thus far, it looks like it will aid our QA team in testing many web
applications. Is there a way to execute multiple rspec test scripts
from one central file?

I assume you’re using Rails, from there you can see what RSpec tasks
are available via “rake -T spec”

Matt D., M.S.
Rails | PHP | Linux | MySQL | IT

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Robert Stagner wrote:

I’m new to RSpec. I’ve just installed the gem and begun experimenting
with developing several scripts. From what I’ve seen thus far, it
looks like it will aid our QA team in testing many web applications.
Is there a way to execute multiple rspec test scripts from one central


Welcome to rspec! There are a number of ways you can do this. You can
do it with the command line:
spec spec/*_spec.rb

The way it is generally done is by using a rake task however…
Are you using rails? If so… have you run “./script/generate rspec”?
That will install a spec task for you so you just have to type “rake
spec” to run all of your specs.

If you are in a normal ruby app then you can create your own spec task
by putting this in your Rakefile or tasks dir:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘spec’
require ‘spec/rake/spectask’

desc “Run the specs under spec/models”
Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new do |t|
t.spec_files = FileList[‘spec/*_spec.rb’]

If you provide more information on what your setup is we could help


Actually, I’m a member of the QA team (limited development experience).
we are attempting to use RSpec without rails. What is Rake? Near the
of your response, you list a way of running multiple spec files by
a spec task. Since, I’m not a developer, could you please provide me
with a
clear example on how to do this? Or, if there is an alternative method
doing this, please let me know. Thanks again.

My current setup is:

1 spec file that relies on accessing a module of classes to perform
web app testing. I’ve included a sample of the code below

describe LoginWelcomeScreen do
describe “using IE Explorer” do
before(:each) do
@login = LoginWelcomeScreen.new(IEWebBrowser.instance)

it "should support a username text field" do


it "should support a password text field" do


Wow!! That is also very, very helpful. I was able to get rake to work
described in an earlier posting, but not without several hours of
and reading the RSpec and Rake documentation. Your solution is
much more direct. Thanks.

Another way to do it instead of the Rake method is what I do…

I create a suite.rb in the spec folder with this…

suite.rb - run all my tests in this folder and below

if FILE == $0
dir = File.dirname(FILE)
tests= Dir["#{dir}//test_.rb"] # anything named test_.rb
tests.concat Dir["#{dir}/
/*_spec.rb"] # anything named *_spec.rb

add additional tests that don;t follow conventional naming schemes

%w(anotherfile, onemorefile).each do |f|
tests << File.join(dir, f) + “.rb”

puts “Testing: #{tests.join(’, ')}”

tests.each do |file|
load file, true

then you can run all your tests via…

ruby suite.rb

You could also use require instead of load, but I use nasty globals in
my tests and I believe the
load doesn’t carry over globals.