Executable 1.2.0 has been released.
Think of Executable as a COM, a Commandline Object Mapper, in much the
same way that ActiveRecord is an ORM, an Object Relational Mapper. A
class utilizing Executable can define a complete command line tool using
nothing more than Ruby’s own method definitions.
- home: http://rubyworks.github.com/executable
- code: GitHub - rubyworks/executable: Add a CLI to any class instantly
- bugs: Issues · rubyworks/executable · GitHub
- mail: http://groups.google.com/rubyworks-mailinglist
- chat: irc://chat.us.freenode.net#rubyworks
Version 1.2.0 is complete rewrite of Executable. Actually it was decided
that the old design was too simplistic in it design concept, so another
library that was in the works, called Executioner, and briefly
CLI::Base, was ported over. And with some API changes, it is now the new
Executable project. The idea of the project is generally the same, but
Executable now offers more features, such as good help output and
namespace-based subcomamnds. Of course, to accommodate all this the API
had to change some over the previous version, so be sure to read the API
- Deprecate old implementation.
- Port Executioner project over to become new Executable project.
- Supports namespace-base subcommmands.
- Supports formatted help output in plain text and markdown.
- Supports manpage look-up and display.