
Hi iam very very new here to Ruby and this forum i reaaaly know nothing,
but i found that ruby is very simple and interesrting langguage.
now i want to ask some question:

  1. can ruby make a exe file so without instal ruby we can run it in
    other comp?
  2. i heard that ruby can make rhtml file (ruby html) how?
  3. i often heard about configing ruby but how? it is like put comand at
    command prompt?
  4. where i can get FXRuby help for beginner?

Decky F. wrote:

Hi iam very very new here to Ruby and this forum i reaaaly know nothing,
but i found that ruby is very simple and interesrting langguage.
now i want to ask some question:

  1. can ruby make a exe file so without instal ruby we can run it in
    other comp?

Check out RubyScript2Exe:

  1. i heard that ruby can make rhtml file (ruby html) how?

.rhtml files are files with embedded Ruby, much like how PHP is often
used. You can then use erb (included with Ruby) or eruby to parse it:

  1. i often heard about configing ruby but how? it is like put comand at
    command prompt?

Not sure what you mean.

  1. where i can get FXRuby help for beginner?

The fxruby page seems to have good documentation. I don’t use it myself,
so I don’t know more than that:

Hope that gets you started.


Thank you very much finally some one answer me

what i mean config is here i take some part of manual about YARV or

$ cd build
$ …/yarv/configure --prefix=[your install dir] --program-suffix=-yarv
$ make [BASERUBY=[your base ruby command]]
$ make test (show some errors around block parameter)
$ make test-all (show 20 or some erros)
$ make install

and many more some thing like those above, what are that meaning?

wow, i try visiting http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/rubyscript2exe/index.html
but the tutorial is very confusing is rubyscript2exe.rb can run in Ruby
one Clik instaler without any confihguration?

and about erb in your second link its only in tar.gz format how to
embeded it in Window OS

Decky F. wrote:

  1. where i can get FXRuby help for beginner?

There’s a mailing list you can subscribe to and ask questions. It’s not
very high traffic, but there are some knowledgeable folks listening.


On 1/16/07, Decky F. [email protected] wrote:

$ cd build
$ …/yarv/configure --prefix=[your install dir] --program-suffix=-yarv
$ make [BASERUBY=[your base ruby command]]
$ make test (show some errors around block parameter)
$ make test-all (show 20 or some erros)
$ make install

and many more some thing like those above, what are that meaning?

That looks like a list of commands to compile and install something in
Unix or Linux. If you’re using Windows and the Ruby O.-Click
Installer, you don’t need to worry about this.

YARV is a virtual machine for Ruby that’s still in development, and
should only be completed by the time Ruby 1.9 or 2.0 comes out, so you
don’t need to worry about that either.