I am trying to use exception logger plugin, but I am getting this error:
undefined method `paginate’ for #<LoggedExceptionsController:
and I cant figure out why. I have generated migration, included the
ExceptionLoggable module into ApplicationController (include
ExceptionLoggable), added a new route to my routes.rb file, and I have
even will_paginate gem installed (I am using it and it is working fine),
but I get the error undefined method paginate.
Looks like your exception_logger hit the streets ready for Rails 1.2.6
maybe. logged_exceptions_helper.rb contains two references to
ActionController::Pagination which is the way things used to be.
Get this instead:
git clone git://github.com/defunkt/exception_logger.git
Looks like your exception_logger hit the streets ready for Rails 1.2.6
maybe. logged_exceptions_helper.rb contains two references to
ActionController::Pagination which is the way things used to be.
Get this instead:
git clone git://github.com/defunkt/exception_logger.git