ExceptionNotifiable doesn't work properly in development?


I recently started using the Exception Notifiable plugin to generate
nicely formatted error emails when major errors occur.

However, now I seem to find that when I have errors in development, I no
longer see the “dump” screen that I’m used to seeing. Which would be
fine if the email would be sent per the setup in environment.rb.

Has anyone successfully implemented ExceptionNotifiable such that errors
will be reported in development still?

I can attempt to call a method on a nil object in my app. now, and not
see any error notification in development.


I believe I see my issue here. The POST request I’m making is via AJAX,
so the error is being logged in the development.log file, however,
because the exception page is being sent back on the AJAX response, I
think it’s effectively being discarded.

Which begs the question - how can I reliably get the HTML output for an
error when submitting on a form_remote_tag form?

That may be for another thread.


On Sep 18, 2006, at 9:40 AM, Wes G. wrote:

error when submitting on a form_remote_tag form?

That may be for another thread.


Hey Wes-

You need to get firebug for firefox. It will show you the request

and response in the console for ajax requests. SO you can still view
the entire stack trace.


I have Firebug.

If I do a method call on nil in my action, then I see “tab has no
properties” and several lines that say “anonymous” and I’m guessing that
this is the response. This certainly tells me that something is
probably wrong (although if I didn’t know already, it would take me some
time to figure out).

I certainly don’t have access to anything in Firebug that looks like the
stack trace that’s printed in my log file. Should I be able to see a
stack trace in Firebug?


On Sep 18, 2006, at 11:24 AM, Wes G. wrote:

I certainly don’t have access to anything in Firebug that looks
like the
stack trace that’s printed in my log file. Should I be able to see a
stack trace in Firebug?


Hey Wes-

It happens down in the console view of the browser. You can see it

make the ajax POST’s and then if you click on one of them that failed
you can see the response from the server, which is a stack trace.
Here’s a screen shot:



Hey Wes-

It happens down in the console view of the browser. You can see it
make the ajax POST’s and then if you click on one of them that failed
you can see the response from the server, which is a stack trace.
Here’s a screen shot:



I have suspected that my Firebug hasn’t been working correctly for a
while - I don’t get the response when I click on an AJAX post.

Do you know how to uninstall a plugin in Firefox? I want to try and
reinstall Firebug.


It works fine for me out of the box.
