Examples for advanced radiant extensions?

Hello there.

I am currently looking into the radiant extension architecture, and I am
very excited about the possibilities there.

But since there is no real documentation for writing extensions, I am
searching for existing extensions to learn from them. So my question is:

Whats the most advanced current extension for Radiant ?

And: what kind of entities can an extension create ?

(I saw that I can create tabs in the admin interface, and I can create
tags for using inside of a page. Is there one or many root objects, for
the entities which an extension can create? Or any other guideline which
defines what an extension can create?

I am currently looking at the mailer extension, but I cant get it to
run, because it complains about an undefined variable.

Generating whole pages on the fly would by my primary interest for an

To further elaborate on that: I want to investigate building a framework
for semantic web applications using active rdf (for the semantic web
data access part) and ruby on rails (for the web application interface
part). Radiant would fit in nicely for the administration and the
content managment aspects.

Sadly the vertical application slices approach of django, as described
does currently not exist, and so I am looking into the possibilities of
building a radiant extension.


I’m sorry, I probably introduced that error this morning. I’ll correct
You might also look at the LDAP extension for ideas.


Benjamin Heitmann wrote:

I am currently looking into the radiant extension architecture, and I am
very excited about the possibilities there.

But since there is no real documentation for writing extensions, I am
searching for existing extensions to learn from them. So my question is:

Whats the most advanced current extension for Radiant ?

There are several extensions presently available in the Radiant
repository. The LDAP extension is a good example of an extension that
has its own controllers, views, and models. The Hello Tag example
extension will show you how to add global tags.

There are a few articles about extensions floating around out there:


And: what kind of entities can an extension create ?

Presently you can create tabs in the admin interface and override
existing views. We would like to add more hooks in the future.

John L.

Sean C. wrote:


I’m sorry, I probably introduced that error this morning. I’ll
correct it.
That would be very much appreciated :slight_smile:

But since there is no real documentation for writing extensions, I am
searching for existing extensions to learn from them. So my
question is:

Whats the most advanced current extension for Radiant ?

I don’t know about ‘most advanced’, but the extension for the website
I’m currently working on is in my repository (under x_groggy) which I
think is a pretty good example of how to twist radiant around to fit
into however you want your site to work. You’ll need to have my other
extensions loaded to make use of it (except for x_admin_part_test).



Creating a semantic web extension using active RDF or some sort of
simple schema such as FOAF would be extremely interesting. Keeping it
simple, leveraging the simple core and philosophy of Radiant could
end up being something truly beautiful and useful.

I’m very interested in following your project. Do you intend to share
your work, and if so do you want help?

Another interesting project would be a DocBook extension - making it
possible to edit and publish DocBook documents. Any one up for that one?

I am a Radiant and R&R newbie, but I’m a pretty good Java developer,
and I’ve worked with RDF and “the semantic web” as well as with
Microformats and XML standards such as DocBook, Dublin Core, IMS
Enterprise etc.

I have rather limited time, which is why my Radiant-powered is still
not up. (Yeah, I finally decided to go with Radiant instead of

Martin O.
[email protected]
