Example of Net:HTTP::Put?

I’ve been trying to use Net::HTTP:Put. My server isn’t returning any
errors, but I’m not accomplishing anything either. Googling turns up
very little.

Are there any examples of an HTTP PUT command using Ruby on the web?

Here’s a quick and dirty one. You can find more about Net::HTTP via
its rdocs. If you’ve installed ri on your system, run ri Net::HTTP#send_request and ri Net::HTTP

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ‘net/http’

unless uri = (URI.parse(ARGV.shift) rescue nil)
puts “Usage: #$0 ”

puts “Sending PUT #{uri.request_uri} to #{uri.host}:#{uri.port}”
Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http|
headers = {‘Content-Type’ => ‘text/plain; charset=utf-8’}
put_data = “put payload”
response = http.send_request(‘PUT’, uri.request_uri, put_data,
puts “Response #{response.code} #{response.message}:

On May 12, 8:50 am, Chris McMahon [email protected]

Sorry for the late reply…
Any chance of also negotiating a 302 redirect?

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Chris McMahon [email protected] writes:

Sorry for the late reply…
Any chance of also negotiating a 302 redirect?

302 Found


The document has moved here.

There is a section on following redirection on the ruby-doc site. See:

Hope that helps,