El 16/10/2007, a las 6:50, Steve [email protected]
I’m thinking of maybe some internal Rails variable that holds an
array of
accessible fields maybe? Does anyone know if such a thing exists?
Just to
make it clear, I don’t want to test Rails, I want to check that the
accessible fields have been set properly. Would it be possible to
mock or
some such to check for a call to attr_accessible?
Yes, I spec this kind of thing.
describe User, ‘accessible attributes’ do
it ‘should allow mass-assignment to the login name’ do
lambda { new_user.update_attributes(:login_name =>
String.random) }.should_not raise_error
# many other examples here, one for each accessible attribute
that I care about
describe User, ‘protected attributes’ do
it ‘should deny mass-assignment to the passphrase hash’ do
lambda { new_user.update_attributes(:passphrase_hash =>
String.random) }.should raise_error
# many other examples here, one for each protected attribute
that I care about
I do it this way because:
I am most interested in the behaviour; does this let me mass-
assign to this attribute (or not)?
I don’t want my specs to depend on internal knowledge of the Rails
attribute protection/access implementation.
The style of spec shown above seems the best way to me of both
documenting the desired behaviour and confirming that it exists; I
don’t view these as tests of Rails’ internals, but as tests that I’ve
used attr_accessible and attr_protected correctly. I tried other ways
in the past, but this is the one I like best.
Another thing to note that helps the readability of the specs: the
new_user and String.random methods are provided by FixtureReplacement
(http://replacefixtures.rubyforge.org/). Note that by default
FixtureReplacement used mass-assignment under the covers, so it can’t
be used with protected attributes, but I’ve sent a patch in to the
maintainer which changes that:
Index: lib/fixture_replacement/fixture_replacement.rb
— lib/fixture_replacement/fixture_replacement.rb (revision 31)
+++ lib/fixture_replacement/fixture_replacement.rb (working copy)
@@ -70,7 +70,9 @@
hash_given = args[0] || Hash.new
merged_hash = self.send(attributes_method).merge(hash_given)
evaluated_hash = Generator.merge_unevaluated_method
(self, :create, merged_hash)
@@ -86,7 +88,9 @@
hash_given = args[0] || Hash.new
merged_hash = self.send(attributes_method).merge(hash_given)
evaluated_hash = Generator.merge_unevaluated_method
(self, :create, merged_hash)
Hopefully this will be included soon.
One more thing to note: the documentation for FixtureReplacement is
pretty thin at this stage, so I threw together this cheatsheet:
This is a bit easier than consulting the (excellent) screencast
provided by the author: