Examine Folder Contents?

Hi all

I’d like Ruby to open a folder, search it for files and then store all
files names of .png files in an array and close the folder. So after
this I can do anything I like with the png files in the array…

How do I do this? Thanks a lot for help. :slight_smile:

On 1 Apr 2006, at 13:41, Joshua M. wrote:

Hi all

I’d like Ruby to open a folder, search it for files and then store all
files names of .png files in an array and close the folder. So after
this I can do anything I like with the png files in the array…

How do I do this? Thanks a lot for help. :slight_smile:

You’ll want the class Dir, and the class method glob.
png_files = Dir.glob(File.join(path_of_folder, ‘*.png’))


You’ll want the class Dir, and the class method glob.
png_files = Dir.glob(File.join(path_of_folder, ‘*.png’))


Thank you so far. I’m using this in Ruby on Rails and tried the

@images = Dir.glob(’/images/content/parties/photo_galleries/1/’,

Sadly this delivers me an empty array, but there are about 20 jpg files
in this folder… :-/

Thanks for help… Josh

Ups sorry, it doesn’t return an empty array but the following error:

cannot convert String into Integer

On Apr 1, 2006, at 8:06 AM, Joshua M. wrote:

@images = Dir.glob(’/images/content/parties/photo_galleries/1/’,


 @images = Dir.glob('/images/content/parties/photo_galleries/1/



Joshua M. schrieb:

I’d like Ruby to open a folder, search it for files and then store all
files names of .png files in an array and close the folder. So after
this I can do anything I like with the png files in the array…

This is part of a RHTML file for showing all JPEG files as a list:

<% bilder = Dir["*.jpeg"] %>

This is part of a RHTML file for randomly show a picture from a
picture list like above:

<% bilder = Dir["…/*.jpeg"] %>


Thank you all, guys!

I have now the following array:





















Is there a way to clean the path (I mean the unnecessary “/…”)?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

This is operating on the actual filesystem, so you have to use real
paths, not the URI for the web application. Try this:

File.join(RAILS_ROOT, ‘public’)

@images = Dir.glob(File.join(RAILS_ROOT,
‘public/images/content/parties/photo_galleries/1/’), ‘*.jpg’)

Oh, and how do I cut the RAILS_ROOT away again? So I can use the paths
in the RHTML file again…? :slight_smile:

You might want to look at Pathname

It wraps alot of the File related libs into a nice package


On Wed, 5 Apr 2006, Joshua M. wrote:

Is there a way to clean the path (I mean the unnecessary “/…”)?

list_of_paths.map!{|path| File.expand_path path}
