this is my code (in a frame’s constructor):
self.evt_auinotebook_page_close(@notebook) { puts “page closed!” }
self.evt_auinotebook_end_drag(@notebook) { puts “page moved away!” }
while the first works as expected, the second does not work at all. the
block is never called, when a tab is moved from the target-notebook to
another one.
is this a bug? if yes, can this be fixed?
if want a notebook that adds to itself an empty page if there are no
more other tabs (so that it stays usable). therefore i must somehow
react on the user closing tabs. is there perhaps another way to work
around this?
Niklas B. wrote:
this is my code (in a frame’s constructor):
self.evt_auinotebook_page_close(@notebook) { puts “page closed!” }
self.evt_auinotebook_end_drag(@notebook) { puts “page moved away!” }
while the first works as expected, the second does not work at all. the block is never called, when a tab is moved from the target-notebook to another one.
I’m a bit puzzled by this too. Unfortunately I can’t find documentation
in wxWidgets of exactly when these events should occur.
However, your query prompted me to look again at the auibook header in
Wx. It seems that since version 2.8.5, several new AUI events were
added, including EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE. I’ve added support for these
events to wxRuby (SVN:1773), and this drag_done event does exactly what
you’re looking for. So you should be able to resolve this with the next
wxRuby release (soon…)
Alex F. [email protected] wrote:
in wxWidgets of exactly when these events should occur.
However, your query prompted me to look again at the auibook header in
Wx. It seems that since version 2.8.5, several new AUI events were
added, including EVT_AUINOTEBOOK_DRAG_DONE. I’ve added support for these
events to wxRuby (SVN:1773), and this drag_done event does exactly what
you’re looking for. So you should be able to resolve this with the next
wxRuby release (soon…)
thank you very much! by the way, when is the final version of wxruby
going to be released? i love it 
Niklas B. wrote:
Alex F. [email protected] wrote:
I’ve added support for these
events to wxRuby (SVN:1773), and this drag_done event does exactly what
you’re looking for. So you should be able to resolve this with the next
wxRuby release (soon…)
thank you very much! by the way, when is the final version of wxruby going to be released? i love it 
That’s kind of you to say so… as for 2.0 it’s up for discussion on the
dev- mailing list. Basically I’d like to fix all the bugs that are
fixable within wxRuby (some are wxWidgets problems):
I would like the next release to be the final, but there’s a few
instabilities in 1.9.7 so it might be better for us to get another beta
out sooner and then chip away at the remaining tricky bugs (GTK
clipboard … 
Alex F. [email protected] wrote:
That’s kind of you to say so… as for 2.0 it’s up for discussion on the
dev- mailing list. Basically I’d like to fix all the bugs that are
fixable within wxRuby (some are wxWidgets problems):
I would like the next release to be the final, but there’s a few
instabilities in 1.9.7 so it might be better for us to get another beta
out sooner and then chip away at the remaining tricky bugs (GTK
clipboard … 
ok I’m in no hurry 