Hello, I’m using the gem EventCalendar an application. The example is
running perfectly.
class CreateEvents <ActiveRecord :: Migration
def change
create_table: events do | t |
t.date: start_at
t.date: end_at
t.boolean: all_day
I wonder if anyone here has worked with this gem, because I’m
wondering that the application works as follows … I specify the days
of the week in which the event occurs, for example, choose a start
date 21/05/2012 and end date 31/05/2012, and just wanted to see the
calendar scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday between these two dates.
In my application when I choose two different dates is marked every
day of the week between those two dates. In my case I want it to check
only on Tuesdays, Thursday and Friday Thursday between those dates.
Can anyone give me any tips on how I do it.
Thank you,
PS: Sorry my English.