Event.count not working

I upgraded both ferret and aaf today to the most stable version.

First I ran into this issue
no such file to load – /usr/bin/…/config/environment

In sever_manager.rb this is what I had


require(File.join(File.dirname(ENV[’_’]), ‘…/config/environment’))

I just commented out the second line and enabled the first line and
things started working.

Then my ruby script/console staging stopped working for Event model.

ruby script/console staging
Loading staging environment.
Ferret version is 0.11.6

=> 1102


As you can see I get User.count but even after 20 minutes I didn’t get
Event.count. What’s the fix for this one?

Anyone else experiencing similar problem. Here is how Event model
configured. It has been working fine until the upgrade

if is_windows?
ferret_remote_option = false
ferret_remote_option = true

ferret_index_dir = File.expand_path

acts_as_ferret :fields => {
:name => {:boost=> 100,:store => :yes},
:desc_f => {:boost=> 10,:store => :yes}, #plain description
:venue_f => {:boost=> 1,:store => :yes},
:cid_f => {:index => :untokenized,:term_vector => :no},
:sid_f => {:index => :untokenized,:term_vector => :no},
:start_date_f => {:index => :untokenized,:term_vector => :no},
:created_on_f => {:index => :untokenized,:term_vector => :no}
:index_dir => ferret_index_dir,
:remote => ferret_remote_option