Eval bug?

I have this code to do timing tests:

def tm(code); s=Time.now; eval code; Time.now-s end

I use it like this:

tm ‘some code’

I have this function that can take two inputs.
When I run it with just one input like this:

tm ‘Pn(130)’

I can time it with no problems.

When I use a second input like this,

tm ‘Pn(130, mcps)’

running in irb (1.8.6 and 1.9.0-1) it returns an
unknown method or variable message for the
second input.

Is this a bug, or expected behavior?
Can I work around this?

Thanks in advance.

On Jun 7, 11:30 pm, jzakiya [email protected] wrote:

second input.

Is this a bug, or expected behavior?
Can I work around this?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t believe that is a bug. At the time that ‘eval’ is running the
code, the variable ‘mcps’ is out of scope (assuming it is a
variable). You may need to look into bindings:

Let me know if I’m way off base. I do hope that helps.

I think a more “ruby” implementation of tm would be…

def tm
start = Time.now
return Time.now - start

duration = tm {

any code you want to time goes here


On Mon, Jun 09, 2008, Mike C. wrote:

of course… it’s very “unruby” to say return, so…

I don’t think this is true at all. There are certainly people who
prefer the implicit return, but likewise there are people who do not.
I’m in the latter camp, as should be obvious :slight_smile:


On Jun 8, 3:22 pm, Mike C. [email protected] wrote:

def tm; s=Time.now;yield;Time.now-s end

return Time.now - start

Thanks in advance.

Mike C.
[email protected]://www.cargal.net

Thanks, this works great. I learned something. :wink:

It sort of acts like a lamda.

But is that still a bug in eval?


of course… it’s very “unruby” to say return, so…

def tm
start = Time.now
Time.now - start

or (if you seem to prefer the one line syntax…

def tm; s=Time.now;yield;Time.now-s end

On Jun 8, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Mike C. wrote:


I have this function that can take two inputs.
running in irb (1.8.6 and 1.9.0-1) it returns an
unknown method or variable message for the
second input.

Is this a bug, or expected behavior?
Can I work around this?

Thanks in advance.

Mike C.
[email protected]

But is that still a bug in eval?


My question is why does
eval(“b = 6”)
print b

err and

b = nil
eval(“b = 6”)
print b

succeed? Eval has its own sub-scope?

Note also that
eval(“b = 6”, binding)
print b

also fails.

Is this intended, or just a side-effect of the ‘parse then execute’

Also as an interesting note,
if you have

with 1.8.6, It appears to ‘reparse’ code2 after the eval has completed.
I assume to make sure that it has accommodated for new variables or
something. Except that you actually can’t add new local variables, so
it must be something else.
