Euruko 06

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

 * Conference wiki: *

This year, we’ll meet in a hotel in Munich,
locations are being searched for. If you know
of a good place, let us know, too.

The conference will begin at 10 AM on Saturday and
end sometime on Sunday.

 * matz has offered to give us a          *
 * Skype video message.                   *

Audience: Everybody interested in Ruby is most welcome!
Fee: minimal fee of 20 EUR, T-Shirts will be extra
(cash in small unmarked bills)
Registration: wiki at, follow the link
to the Visitors’ Page.

Talks: If you want to give a talk, please put down
topic (an short description) on the wiki, too.

 * Design the conference T-Shirt          *
 * or I'll do it again ...                *

If you have questions drop us a note at

[email protected]

See you in Munich,

Stefan S.
Approximity GmbH

“Stefan S.” [email protected] writes:

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

Whee! I’ll be there.

On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 08:50:08PM +0900, Stefan S. wrote:

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

I just booked the conference room and added the location to the EuRuKo
wiki at

| Hotel Europa
| Dachauerstr. 115
| 80335 Munich
| +49 89 542420
| The hotel is offering single bed rooms for attendants at a rate of
| 85 EUR/day; it will be cheaper if more than ten EuRuKo attendants are
| booking there. (Please mention that you are staying for EuRuKo when booking.)

I am looking forward to seeing you there!



Kero [email protected] writes:

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

How could I possibly NOT come :slight_smile:

And you don’t even need to camp this year… :wink: (But I bet you do it

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

How could I possibly NOT come :slight_smile:

See you there,

“Sven C. Koehler” [email protected] writes:

| +49 89 542420
| The hotel is offering single bed rooms for attendants at a rate of
| 85 EUR/day; it will be cheaper if more than ten EuRuKo attendants are
| booking there. (Please mention that you are staying for EuRuKo when booking.)

I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Great location. :slight_smile:

Kero [email protected] writes:

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

How could I possibly NOT come :slight_smile:

And you don’t even need to camp this year… :wink: (But I bet you do it anyway?)

I can’t!
The camping I stayed closes end of october.

Well, you gotta stay on a bench in the Englischer Garten, then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Euruko06, the European Ruby Conference,
will be in Munich, November 4 and 5, 2006.

How could I possibly NOT come :slight_smile:

And you don’t even need to camp this year… :wink: (But I bet you do it anyway?)

I can’t!
The camping I stayed closes end of october.