Errors, errors, and more errors

Rolling Ruby, Rails, etc on a Powerbook (OSX 10.4). I’ve had a
successful install for many months, and then I upgraded Ruby to 1.8.6
and used gem to update Rails to 2.0.2.

Upon install, Rails stopped working and threw a whole series of errors.
I updated rubygem and the errors went away (except for one), and rails
started working again.

That error: /usr/local/bin/rails:17:Warning: require_gem is obsolete.
Use gem instead.

Exciting stuff. But that’s not really the issue. When I use gem now, I
get this:

Antimatter:~ js$ sudo gem update
Updating installed gems…
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `refresh’ for #Hash:0x137084c

I get this error regardless of the command I use for gem (install,
update, etc.) I mean, at least rails is working now, but does anybody
have any insight as to how I can fix this situation? I haven’t done
anything particularly wonky… and I have zero clue as to how I can fix

Advice is very much appreciated!

My guess is that in config/boot.rb you’ve got a couple legacy lines that
have ‘require_gem’ in them. Change those to just ‘gem’ and try again.

Jose S. wrote:

have any insight as to how I can fix this situation? I haven’t done
anything particularly wonky… and I have zero clue as to how I can fix

Advice is very much appreciated!

Jon G. wrote:

My guess is that in config/boot.rb you’ve got a couple legacy lines that
have ‘require_gem’ in them. Change those to just ‘gem’ and try again.

This also happens when I just type “rails projectname”… is there a
global configuration that I can modify to take out the legacy lines?

Jon G. wrote:

Hmmm, “rails projectname” gives me a correct 2.0.2 boot.rb. Try ‘rails
-v’ to see what version you get.

Antimatter:~ js$ rails -v
/usr/local/bin/rails:17:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem
Rails 2.0.2

Jose S. wrote:

This also happens when I just type “rails projectname”… is there a
global configuration that I can modify to take out the legacy lines?

Hmmm, “rails projectname” gives me a correct 2.0.2 boot.rb. Try ‘rails
-v’ to see what version you get.

Jon G. wrote:

Ok, I wasn’t expecting that. I don’t think I’m going to be much more

LOL, yeah, I’m pretty stymied too…

Whats your gem version?
Maybe try sudo gem update - -system,

On Jan 31, 8:16 pm, Jose S. [email protected]

apremdas wrote:

Whats your gem version?


Maybe try sudo gem update - -system,

Antimatter:~ js$ sudo gem update --system
Updating RubyGems…
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `refresh’ for #Hash:0x1370568

Jose S. wrote:

Antimatter:~ js$ rails -v
/usr/local/bin/rails:17:Warning: require_gem is obsolete. Use gem
Rails 2.0.2

Ok, I wasn’t expecting that. I don’t think I’m going to be much more

Maybe try installing latest version of gem from the source. Otherwise
I’m out of ideas - hope you get lucky :slight_smile:

On Jan 31, 9:50 pm, Jose S. [email protected]

i had a similar problem. i was driven to uninstalling every single gem
and then gems itself. then after reinstall all went well.

On Jan 31, 10:59 pm, Jose S. [email protected]

Jose S. wrote:

apremdas wrote:

Whats your gem version?


Maybe try sudo gem update - -system,

Antimatter:~ js$ sudo gem update --system
Updating RubyGems…
ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError)
undefined method `refresh’ for #Hash:0x1370568


Anybody got any ideas?