Error using Packet Encoder --> Packet Decoder

Hello everyone,

I want to simulate file transmission using BPSK modulation, with block

File Source --> Packet Encoder --> BPSK Mod --> BPSK Demod --> Packet
Decoder --> File Sink

But the result is 0 kB. Then I remove the Encoder-Decoder and Modulation

File Source --> File Sink

Then I have the file and it’s operable (-5 bytes from original file)

Next step I add Packet Encoder - Decoder

File Source --> Packet Encoder --> Packet Decoder --> File Sink

But the file size is 0 kB

I don’t know what is wrong with the Encoder-Decoder.

Thank you

Regards, Surya A.

Have you set the preamble and access code? The “leave blank for
didn’t work for me.

23.05.2015 6:53 kirjutas kuupäeval “Surya A.”
[email protected]:

I try different “random” access code and preamble but the output still
Would you mind to give an example or reference about it?

On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 2:09 AM, Surya A. [email protected]

For testing whether it works, just set them to a bunch of 1-s and 0-s.
the relevant Wikipedia articles for relevant articles :smiley:

access code = blank

I don’t know what is wrong with the Encoder-Decoder.
Discuss-gnuradio Info Page


Surya A.
University Al Azhar of Indonesia, Jakarta