Error "unrecognized option --protected" when running "gem install bluecloth"

I am running Fedora core 14 and trying to install bluecloth and am
having problems.
The first problem was with strcasecmp and I solved that my recompiling
ruby to the latest 1.8.7 version, patch 334.

Now when I try to install bluecloth I get the error:
gem install bluecloth
Building native extensions. This could take a while…

 Successfully installed bluecloth-2.0.11
 1 gem installed
 Installing ri documentation for bluecloth-2.0.11...

 unrecognized option `--protected'

If I turn on debugging I get:
. . .
Installing ri documentation for bluecloth-2.0.11…
Exception GetoptLong::InvalidOption' at /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/ getoptlong.rb:403 - unrecognized option–protected’

Any suggestions?

On 02/27/2011 10:10 PM, rlh100 wrote:

  Successfully installed bluecloth-2.0.11

Any suggestions?

If you just want to use the gem then you can ignore that error and read
documentation online: File: README — Documentation for bluecloth (2.0.11)

Not sure about the error.


On Feb 27, 2011, at 10:10 PM, rlh100 wrote:

Successfully installed bluecloth-2.0.11
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for bluecloth-2.0.11...

unrecognized option `--protected'

This happens because the gem has an invalid RDoc option in its
rdoc_options. I’ll have this fixed in the next release.