Error running gems:install on edge


I’m trying out the new features in Rails 2.3.0 RC1. Especially
interested in the new “Nested Forms” functionality. I’m having a
problem when installing gems into my project. When adding a gem (e.g.
“mislav-will_paginate”) to the “config/environment.rb” and running:

rake gems:install

I get the following error.

rake aborted!
A key is required to write a cookie containing the session data. Use
config.action_controller.session = { :key => “_myapp_session”, :secret
=> “some secret phrase” } in config/environment.rb

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Is anybody out there having this problem?

In Rails edge the environment.rb no longer has the session key, all
that has been changed and moved to a separate initializer. One thing I
discovered is that the error only happens for gems that are not
already installed in the local gems repo.



Have the vey same problem.
No clue yet on how to solve it

This has been filed as #1750 on the Lighthouse for a bit (http://
#1750 session_store initializer causes rake:gems tasks to break - Ruby on Rails - rails).
Can you give the patch I posted (towards the bottom of the ticket) a

–Matt J.