There is a mismatch between the Ruby version returned by ‘gem
environment’ and ruby --version
Anyone know if this is normal? I don’t really know if this is causing
the problem
There is a mismatch between the Ruby version returned by ‘gem
environment’ and ruby --version
Anyone know if this is normal? I don’t really know if this is causing
the problem
It probably is. I’d guess you have two parallel versions of ruby (one
in /usr/lib/ruby, the other probably in /usr/local/lib/ruby). One of
those has rubygems 1.3.1 installed, the other doesn’t and you’re
trying to run rails in the one that doesn’t
did you check your $PATH ? sounds like its calling the wrong executables
You’re both right. There was two conflicting versions installed.
Fixing this led to some a chain of reinstallations but it’s now fine and
I also got to learn a bunch of new gem commands:)
Thanks for your help in making me realising what the problem was.
On Dec 22 2008, 8:05 am, David Kleman <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-> wrote:
Fixing this led to some a chain of reinstallations but it’s now fine and
I also got to learn a bunch of new gem commands:)
I’m getting the exact same error and can confirm I have the same
(multiple versions of ruby and rubygems installed). Could you detail
how you
went about this “chain of reinstallations” to fix this problem? I’m
quite new to all this. FYI, I’m using Mac OS X 10.5.6.
did you check your $PATH ? sounds like its calling the wrong executables
You’re both right. There was two conflicting versions installed.
Fixing this led to some a chain of reinstallations but it’s now fine and
I also got to learn a bunch of new gem commands:)
Thanks for your help in making me realising what the problem was.
Could you provide the steps too? Am facing the same problem.
I was having this problem, after reading the insights from this thread,
I realised running “which gem” pointed to a certain directory, and
“which ruby” pointed to a different directory.
I had a local ruby installation, and also a secondary installation under
/sw that I had installed using fink, I just plain removed the
installation fink had put in (fink remove ruby), and after that
everything worked.
I had installed ruby 1.8.7 from MacPorts and was also getting this
error. After downloading RubyGems and running setup.rb, things worked
as expected. I, of course, had to reinstall my gems since the new
RubyGems (/opt/local/bin/gem) keeps its gems in a different spot than
the gem that comes with Leopard (/usr/bin/gem).
All this is a little new to me but this is how I got it to work.
I had the same problem, and reason is also having two versions of ruby
installed. i working on OSX 10.6.4, but solution should apply for any
system if your problem has the same cause. Since I don’t really use
macport, my solution is to removed reference to /opt/usr/local/bin from
my $PATH in ~/.bashrc. so in the end, i have the following line in my
~/.bashrc (removed some other misc stuff, but you get the idea):
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/lib:$PATH"
I suspect you’ll be able to fix it by tweaking where you get your binary
in $PATH as well. hope this helps.
btw, I think David had to reinstall stuff because the location where he
pointed $PATH to doesn’t have all the executables in the other location
he was running gem from.
Memo Memo wrote:
I was having this problem, after reading the insights from this thread,
I realised running “which gem” pointed to a certain directory, and
“which ruby” pointed to a different directory.
I had a local ruby installation, and also a secondary installation under
/sw that I had installed using fink, I just plain removed the
installation fink had put in (fink remove ruby), and after that
everything worked.
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