Has the development error screen been removed?
When using 5206 and getting an applicaiton errror i get the nicely
formatted view of the error in the browser.
Now, as of 5208 i get ‘cant display page’ http 500 and the error streams
in the console ?
How do i get my nice error screen ???
Now, as of 5208 i get ‘cant display page’ http 500 and the error streams
in the console ?
How do i get my nice error screen ???
small mistype above. I am having to use tail to watch for error details.
They dont appear in the console.
I had a similar problem with 5212 - there appears to be some problem
the following file. Or it could be something intentional going on that
just not bright enough to figure out.
On line #44 of
43: <h2 style="margin-top: 30px">Response</h2>
44: <b>Headers</b>: <%=h response.headers.inspect.gsub(/,/, ",\n")
I was able to do a temporary hack to get my error screens back by
line 44 to the following:
Headers: <%=h response.headers.inspect.gsub(/,/, “,\n”) if
and response.headers %>
Hope this helps.
thanks! ill try that out. Might get me of 5206 =)
I’ve had this problem as well–when headers is nil, it blows up.
Have either of you reported this on Trac?
Just reported along with a patch - #6329
Just an update that the patch was accepted as of 5241, so this should no
longer be a problem.