Error_page and virtual hosts

Hi everyone,

I have a lot of virtual hosts and I was wondering is there a way to
setup this
once in the main nginx.conf file.

server {
listen x.x.x.x:80;
root /VDOMAINS/domain/www;
server_name domain;
server_name domain;
error_log /path;
access_log /path;
location ~ ^/(images|javascript|js|css|flash|media|static)/ {
error_page 404 /404.html;
location = /404.html {
root /VDOMAINS/htdocs/errors;
error_page 500 502 503 504 500.html;
location = 500.html {
root /VDOMAINS/htdocs/errors;
include /VDOMAINS/proxy.conf;

These error_page directives are set individualy in every virtual host,
but I
was hoping there was a more ellegant solution.

Drazen Milosevic wrote:

These error_page directives are set individualy in every virtual
host, but I was hoping there was a more ellegant solution. ?

Have you seen the wildcard example here?


On Monday 24 March 2008 16:43:21 Drew R. wrote:

Drazen Milosevic wrote:

These error_page directives are set individualy in every virtual
host, but I was hoping there was a more ellegant solution. ?

Have you seen the wildcard example here?


This doesn’t work for me because I am migrating existing Apache setup to
and I have some “predefined” things such as paths to webroot directories
each virtual host. And unfortunatly they are not in form
of /PATH/TO/WEBROOT/ but as

Drazen Milosevic

 19, Alekse Nenadovica Street, Belgrade, Serbia
 IT - IT Platforms and Security Department
 Senior System A.

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