I’m having trouble compiling the code I checked out from the latest dev
trunk from gnuradio.git - GNU Radio.
I configure with a prefix and I have checked that my pythonpath and
pkg_config_path are properly set. I have also tried to run the
uninstall, distclean and git clean commands that I have seen other
people recommend for this type of error, and then run bootstrap,
configure and make again, but I still get the very same error every time
I run make:
make[4]: *** No rule to make target /../lib/libgnuradio-pager.la', needed by
_pager_swig.la’. Stop.
I don’t have any problems building the stable gnuradio version 3.2.
I’m running Ubuntu 9.04.
Any hints on what could be causing this problem?
I had the same problem and I got the following hint by Timothy R. Gall:
“I just edited the makefile by hand to get rid of the error. You see
it says /../lib/libgnuradio-pager.la', when it should be
…/lib/libgnuradio-pager.la’. Go to the gr-pager/swig directory and
edit the makefile, replacing all
$(build_dir)/…/lib/libgnuradio-pager.la with just
…/lib/libgnuradio-pager.la. You need to do it in two spots (for
dependencies and linker). Then go back into the gnuradio main
directory and type make.”
Although I got it working sometimes, the method didn’t work on every
machine I tried it on. And yes, make sure you don’t have any previous
gnuradio builds in the path.
2010/2/18 Ulrika U. [email protected]:
On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 11:07 -0800, Veljko P. wrote:
Although I got it working sometimes, the method didn’t work on every
machine I tried it on. And yes, make sure you don’t have any previous
gnuradio builds in the path.
This has been fixed in git master by using an absolute path instead of a
relative path in the Makefile.am. Thanks.
As also hinted I probably could have managed without the gr-pager and
just configured with --disable-gr-pager, but now when the problem is
fixed everything compiles fine without any errors!