
Is it possible to print error message near the inputbox and not all on
top of the page by <%= error_messages_for ‘users’ %>

So if I have user registragion form and there ara inputs:


And if there some errors its prits errors near the input boxes:

username: [_________] Username should be (2 to 20 characters)
password: [_________]
password confirmation: [_________] Password did not match
email [____________]

On Feb 21, 4:23 pm, Jo Jo [email protected] wrote:

Is it possible to print error message near the inputbox and not all on
top of the page by <%= error_messages_for ‘users’ %>

Yes and no. error_messages_for won’t do it, but you have to realise
that error_messages_for is just a way of doing errors, this nothing
wrong with rolling your own thing (there’s very little code in
error_messages_for). You might be interested in error_message_on which
gets you the error messages for a single attribute.


You’ll need to use f.error_messages and the form builder:

Ramon T.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Jo Jo