Error_messages_for doesn't work

I’m having a problem, 'cause I wrote the following line in my model

validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank =>
false, :message => "must be a number"

And in my “new” view, I put:

 <%= error_messages_for :oi,
                    :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar usuário." ,
                    :message => "Cheque o(s) seguinte(s) campo(s):"%>

Rails notice the error, because I can’t save a Hi object with phone not
being a number; but it doesn’t show me the errors that was find.

What it should be?

Thanks for any help.

On 18 August 2010 13:02, Bla … [email protected] wrote:

<%= error_messages_for :oi,

I think that should be hi not oi, and I think you have to put the
model name in quotes also, so
error_messages_for ‘hi’, …


Yeah, I’m sorry.

Actually, I wrote it wrong here, in the forum.


 <%= error_messages_for :hi,
                    :header_message => "Error." ,
                    :message => "Check the following camps:"%>

On Aug 18, 2:19 pm, “Bla …” [email protected] wrote:


What’s in your controller ?


this tag “" and "” is just to let everyone know where
begins and where ends my code.
It’s not in my controller…

I try to put in quotes, but it also doesn’t works…

On 18 August 2010 14:19, Bla … [email protected] wrote:

Yeah, I’m sorry.

Actually, I wrote it wrong here, in the forum.


<%= error_messages_for :hi,
:header_message => “Error.” ,
:message => “Check the following camps:”%>

The docs at
show the name in quotes, as I suggested in my previous post. So
error_messages_for ‘hi’, …
have you tried that?


Bla … wrote:

I try to put in quotes, but it also doesn’t works…

Can you paste the content that it renders? Also, does anything scroll by
in your server window when you try this?

Additionally, wanted to mention that error_messages_for was removed from
Rails 3, though available as a plugin. So maybe consider just going with
a custom solution now. Here is an snippet that I’ve used, though note it
is in HAML, not ERB.


  • if target.errors.any?
    %h2= “#{pluralize(target.errors.count, ‘error’)} prohibited this
    record from being saved:”
    - target.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
    %li= message

Then used with


#errors= render ‘shared/error_messages’, :target => @company

You get a bit more control over what is going on here and are protected
against the imminent removal of the helper.