Being somewhat new to both Ruby and Rails, I am unsure about how to
initiate some kind of error handling.
Currently I have a blog-like application where each post is a
photograph. I am working on the “show” method for the PhotoController
and need to tell the application what to do when a photo cannot be
found with the specified id:
class PhotoController < ApplicationController
def show
if params[:id].nil?
#Take the user to the index page of the most recent photo.
@photo = Photo.find_most_recent
#Show a photo with a specified id
if @photo = Photo.find(params[:id], :conditions =>
“publishing_time <= now()”)
#Attempt to send them to the most recent post with a
flash[:warning] = ‘No published photo exists that satisfies
the given parameters.’
redirect_to :action => “show”
I’m sure many of you already realize this isn’t working as hoped for,
so I am hoping you can fill me in on why. The Photo#find_most_recent
is a very basic method which simply returns the most recent photo
Right now if I go to everything works
fine. (I have posted about 5 test photos.) If I go to everything works fine, as well. The
error occurs when I go to . I get
the error message: " ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in
Photo#show"…“Couldn’t find Photo with ID=32432 AND (publishing_time
<= now())” which is exactly what I didn’t want to see! I was hoping
for the index page with a nice formatted error message for the user. I
have tried rescue statements (which I don’t very much understand) to
no avail and other types of if and else structures.
If you could please educate me in what way I should write my
controller so that it will send me to the index page with a
flash[:warning] I would very much appreciate it! I am trying to
figure out how this error handling is best done. I also am stumped
about how I could send an error message if Photo.find_most_recent
doesn’t return any object, meaning no posts have been made. All help
will be sincerely appreciated! Thanks in advance.