Error Handling in Scaffolds

Howdy all,

I’ve never been one to use scaffolds in my Rails projects, but I’m
looking at it right now as a possible time saver. I spend a
ridiculous amount of time building the forms, and slightly less (but
more than I’d like) building the controller(s) for a new model when
developing my applications.

However, I’ve taken a quick look at both the built in script/generate
scaffold and it seems to be sorely lacking in error handling of any

For example, say I generate a quick scaffold for “Event”:
script/generate scaffold Event

Some resulting code looks like this:

def edit
@event = Event.find(params[:id])

What happens if I pass a non-existent ID there? An
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception gets raised, causing an error
500 to be displayed to the user in production, and maybe an exception
notification email cluttering my inbox.

It doesn’t stop there. Look at this:

def create
@event =[:event])

respond_to do |format|
    flash[:notice] = 'Event was successfully created.'
    format.html { redirect_to(@event) }
    format.xml  { render :xml => @event, :status

=> :created, :location => @event }
format.html { render :action => “new” }
format.xml { render :xml => @event.errors, :status
=> :unprocessable_entity }

Okay, all well and good. However, what happens if I execute GET on
this action instead of POST? My understanding is that GET requests
are strictly to “get” data. However, in theory, I can pass a bunch
of URL encoded variables to this action and create a new event,
leaving this application wide open to XSS (assuming of course an
authorized user is logged in and clicks a malicious link)

Please PLEASE don’t see this as a “bitch and moan” post - far from
it. I point this out to show my own ignorance: I assume that I’m
missing something here.

So, what’s the deal? Is this REALLY lacking in error support/
handling, or am I just not using it right?

Thanks :slight_smile:

2009/10/13 Phoenix R. [email protected]:

scaffold and it seems to be sorely lacking in error handling of any


Okay, all well and good. Â However, what happens if I execute GET on
this action instead of POST? Â My understanding is that GET requests
are strictly to “get” data. Â However, in theory, I can pass a bunch
of URL encoded variables to this action and create a new event,
leaving this application wide open to XSS (assuming of course an
authorized user is logged in and clicks a malicious link)

I don’t think you can get to create with a GET. Try it and see.
Unless you have added a route yourself of course.


Hi Colin,

Thanks for the reply. I just did try this and unfortunately, my
original assessment was correct: vulnerable to XSS.

Here’s how to repeat:
Make a new rails app, then generate a scaffold: script/generate
scaffold Event when:datetime until:datetime title:string

Next, migrate your DB as-is:
rake db:migrate

Fire up the server:

Now, you were partially correct in that you can’t execute GET on the
create action - unless you go all the way:


Will create a new event that “starts” (the when variable) on December
25, 2009 at 05:15:15.

Can anyone tell me if I’m failing to use some other “rails magic”, or
if scaffolding is just plain intended not to worry about this, leaving
it to the programmer?

2009/10/13 Phoenix R. [email protected]:

Will create a new event that “starts” (the when variable) on December
25, 2009 at 05:15:15.

Can anyone tell me if I’m failing to use some other “rails magic”, or
if scaffolding is just plain intended not to worry about this, leaving
it to the programmer?

I was wrong when I said this would not work unless you have added a
route of your own. However if you look at the end of routes.rb you
will see:

Install the default routes as the lowest priority.

Note: These default routes make all actions in every controller

accessible via GET requests. You should

consider removing or commenting them out if you’re using named

routes and resources.
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

I am just off to double check that I have removed them on all of my
systems. Also to check that in my tests I have checks to make sure
that GETs fail where appropriate.


Yep, I missed the standard routing at the end of routes.rb. However,
if I remove that, it would definitely cause problems with my existing
(non-scaffolded) controllers. But it’s probably still a great way to
go with a fresh app.

And yes, I always test with multiple get/posts on actions that can
modify data on the server. I’m just curious as to what extent
scaffolding is supposed to solve the “problem” of getting off and
going quickly :slight_smile:

Thanks for your input!