Error: development database is not configured

I’ve created a database using MySQL Admin and have set the user,
password and have granted the privilgeges. but when I run (under
rake migrate --trace, I get the following error msg:

** Invoke migrate (first_time)
** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
rake aborted!
development database is not configured
(…followed by the rest of the stuff)

and just so you know- I’m using ruby 1.84 and I’ve gotten rid of all the
tabs/spaces in my db.yml file.

help !?!

Mikki wrote:

development database is not configured
(…followed by the rest of the stuff)

and just so you know- I’m using ruby 1.84 and I’ve gotten rid of all the
tabs/spaces in my db.yml file.

help !?!

If you’re on a UNIX-ish machine, post the output of:

cd /path/to/application
grep -v password: config/database.yml
ls -l config/environments
