Errno::EACCES - Permission denied

I am all new to deploying rail applications. I have managed to get a
local version of Radiant transfer and working briefly on my VPS. It
stopped working, I figure, when the page caching kicked in.

Looking at the production.log, I found this error:

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied -
initialize' /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/caching.rb:89:incache_page’
(…shorten here for brevity…)

Looking at the install instructions, I found this set of instructions:

When using Radiant on a production system you may also need to set
on the public and cache directories so that your Web server can access
directories with the user that it runs under.

Could someone please explain in detail how I can setup the require

Could someone please explain in detail how I can setup the require

That's totally platform and configuration dependent.  You can try a

“chmod a+rw public/ cache/” as root.

For more info, start with:

And follow with:


Thanks Aitor, your suggestion got me started. The actual command that
fix my situation was this:

chmod -R a+rw cache