The erb command is not working properly for me on ubuntu terminal
I type erb and nothing happens
but sometimes the command do work
If I turn on the computer and try the command and it happens to work, ok
no problem it will work all day long
but it is the same if the command does not work it will not work that
have anyone had the same problem I do?
If I am posting in the wrong forum let me know and I will correct the
but I swear I could not find anything on google, not even about the erb
The erb command is not working properly for me on ubuntu terminal
I type erb and nothing happens
but sometimes the command do work
If I turn on the computer and try the command and it happens to work, ok
no problem it will work all day long
but it is the same if the command does not work it will not work that
How about the nights?
have anyone had the same problem I do?
If I am posting in the wrong forum let me know and I will correct the
but I swear I could not find anything on google, not even about the erb
How do you suppose people could help you without providing an exact
description of what did not work for you? Like the command line you used
and the input to ERB you were trying to process.
I am sorry about the poor description
when the command runs the terminal prints the line number
something like <001>
but when it does not run properly it shows nothing
I am sorry about the poor description
when the command runs the terminal prints the line number
something like <001>
but when it does not run properly it shows nothing
SMH - you are apparently confusing ‘erb’ and ‘irb’, two very different
programs with very different purposes.
Alright that was very silly of my part and I am ashamed about it
I wanted the irb command
ok problem solved thank you very much gentlemen.
irb(main):001:0> def apologize(who)
irb(main):002:0> who + " apologies for wasting the time of yours."
irb(main):003:0> end
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> people_to_apologize = [‘Gennady B.’, ‘Amalrik
Maia’, ‘Hassan S.’]
=> [“Gennady B.”, “Amalrik Maia”, “Hassan S.”]
irb(main):005:0> people_to_apologize.each do |gentleman|
irb(main):006:1* puts apologize(gentleman)
irb(main):007:1> end
Gennady B. apologies for wasting the time of yours.
Amalrik Maia apologies for wasting the time of yours.
Hassan S. apologies for wasting the time of yours.
=> [“Gennady B.”, “Amalrik Maia”, “Hassan S.”]
Maia’, ‘Hassan S.’]
=> [“Gennady B.”, “Amalrik Maia”, “Hassan S.”]
irb(main):005:0> people_to_apologize.each do |gentleman|
irb(main):006:1* puts apologize(gentleman)
irb(main):007:1> end
Gennady B. apologies for wasting the time of yours.
Accepted ;-). No worries.
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