I would like to use some ERB in my javascript files.
How can I do this?
I would like to use some ERB in my javascript files.
How can I do this?
msnapper wrote:
Check out Dan W.'s MinusMOR plugin…
Can I use it inside a :update do |page| block ?
On Fri, Sep 14, 2007 at 09:17:49PM -0700, Phlip wrote:
eggie5 wrote:
I would like to use some ERB in my javascript files.
How can I do this?
Someone might know a better way than writing a partial rhtml file,
putting a tag in it, and filling this with JavaScript and <%%>
Well, yes, there is a better way. It mainly lets you avoid the script
and refer to the JS with a normal javascript_include_tag call (which
easy caching). Here’s a toy example:
class ScriptController < ApplicationController
def foo_js
@necessary_data = Foo.get_that_necessary_data
render :layout => false, :type => ‘text/javascript’
<%# eruby_subtype=js -%>
MyCacheOfNecessaryData = <%= @necessary_data.to_json %>;
(Note that the eruby_subtype line is a hint to vim 7.1 and later to get
syntax of the file right.)
Naturally, the majority of your JS will be static code and should be
as such, but when you have some data that needs to be available to the
client-side JS, this is a useful idiom.
eggie5 wrote:
I would like to use some ERB in my javascript files.
How can I do this?
Someone might know a better way than writing a partial rhtml file,
putting a
Check out Dan W.'s MinusMOR plugin…
be sure to read the background as well…
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