I have an HTML image tag, but how do I wrap it in a rails erb link_to
<- how
do I link this with link_to
I have an HTML image tag, but how do I wrap it in a rails erb link_to
<- how
do I link this with link_to
<%= image_tag("/images/blah/blah", :alt => “Promo Image”) %>
<%= link_to(image_tag("/images/blah/blah", :alt => “Promo Image”), stuff
build link) %>
Have you tried the following? I would also check out link_image_to().
link_to(image_tag(“/images/index_promo_long.png”, :alt => “Promo
Image”), “http://www.example.com”)
link_image_to(“/images/index_promo_long.png”, “http://
www.example.com”, :alt => “Promo Image”)
On 10/3/07, akv292 [email protected] wrote:
Have you tried the following? I would also check out link_image_to().
link_to(image_tag(“/images/index_promo_long.png”, :alt => “Promo
Image”), “http://www.example.com”)or
link_image_to(“/images/index_promo_long.png”, “http://
www.example.com”, :alt => “Promo Image”)
The first form is correct. The second form is deprecated.
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