Equivalent ruby syntax for this query

:conditions=>[“release_date >= ? and release_date < ? and
:order=>“count() desc",
:select=>"auther_id,sum(case when auther_type = ‘New’ "+
"then 1 else 0 end) as new,sum(case when auther_type != ‘New’ then
1 else 0 end) as review,count(
) as total”)

in the above query how to write the “case” conditions in ruby query.

can anyone tell me which is the equivalent ruby syntax for this

sum(case when auther_type != ‘New’ then 1 else 0 end) as review

thanks in advance

On Dec 30, 10:04 am, rails and rails only <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-
s.net> wrote:

:conditions=>[“release_date >= ? and release_date < ? and
:order=>“count() desc",
:select=>"auther_id,sum(case when auther_type = ‘New’ "+
"then 1 else 0 end) as new,sum(case when auther_type != ‘New’ then
1 else 0 end) as review,count(
) as total”)

in the above query how to write the “case” conditions in ruby query.

You can’t - there are no helpers for generating complex select
statements like that.


On Dec 30, 10:10 am, Frederick C. [email protected]

1 else 0 end) as review,count(*) as total")

in the above query how to write the “case” conditions in ruby query.

You can’t - there are no helpers for generating complex select
statements like that.

To clarify, there aren’t any builtin things. There might be a third
party plugin that does this.
