I tried this out and I’m having some problems. I’m on GR 3.7.8 and UHD
3.8.5, both the newest as far as I know.
What I did was make a flowgraph with a signal generator source and a UHD
sink in GRC. It works before I made any modifications. There are a
lines in top_block.py that set the sample rate, antenna, etc. At the
of them I added this:
self.uhd_usrp_sink_0.set_gpio_attr(“TXA”, “ATR_TX”, 1, 0x10, 0)
It should set pin 4 high whenever I transmit (right?). I run my
and get this traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “top_block.py”, line 76, in
tb = top_block()
File “top_block.py”, line 55, in init
self.uhd_usrp_sink_0.set_gpio_attr(“TXA”, “ATR_TX”, 1, 0x10, 0)
line 4539, in set_gpio_attr
return _uhd_swig.usrp_sink_sptr_set_gpio_attr(self, bank, attr,
mask, mboard)
RuntimeError: LookupError: Path not found in tree:
I know I’m using the right banks because I can do this command:
$ python -c ‘from gnuradio import uhd; usrp =
uhd.multi_usrp_sink(“serial=”, uhd.io_type.COMPLEX_FLOAT32, 1);
print usrp.get_gpio_banks(0)’
and get
(‘RXA’, ‘TXA’)
I also run this command:
uhd_usrp_probe --args=‘serial=’ --tree | grep -i iface
and get nothing. Without piping into grep I get 177 lines that all seem
make sense to me.
Is that command I’m using correct or is there some other issue?