I don’t understand the following:
3.times { |i| puts(i) } # ok
3.times.class # Enumerator
n = 3.times
n.class # Enumerator
n { |i| puts(i) } # error!?
To a new Ruby student this error seems ‘conceptually wrong’.
Playing around a bit I’ve discovered that this works:
n.each { |i| puts(i) }
As does:
3.times.each { |i| puts(i) }
Does this inconsistency result from a parser-level layer of ‘syntactic
sugar’? I’m also getting a sense that a ‘block’ is a parser-level
and a ‘Proc’ is an execution-level object.
So, a related question: given an Enumerator and a 1-ary Proc (lambda):
n = 3.times
f = lambda { |i| puts(i) }
What expression allows us to ‘map’ or ‘apply’ the Proc to each
enumerated value?
There just seems to be something really ‘wrong’ about how Ruby treats
def f2(i)
f2.class # error!?
Functions are not first-class objects? I actually have no idea what f2
is. Clearly its not a symbol bound to an object. It’s ‘something else’.
Intuitively I would have expected the follow two constructs to produce
operatively identical objects:
def f2(i)
f2 = lambda { |i| puts(i) }
I’m really puzzled by this. Coming from years of programming in Scheme
I’m quite used to dealing with syntax-layer transformations. But there
is evidently something else going on with Ruby that violates a lot of my
intuitions and expectations. I’m hoping that once I understand it better
it will start to look ‘elegant’ and ‘beautiful’, but right now it looks
kinda ‘scary’ and ‘repugnant’.
Help please!
- Dave