enterprise version 1.0.0 has been released!
Wish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not
“enterprise” got you down? Do you feel like your Ruby code could be
made to
be more “scalable”? Well look no further my friend. You’ve found the
enterprise gem. Once you install this gem, you too can make Rails
scale, Ruby
faster, your code more attractive, and have more XML in your life.
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “how can the enterprise gem promise so
much?”. Well the answer is easy, through the magic of XML! The
gem allows you to write your Ruby code in XML, therefore making your
Ruby and
Rails code scale. Benefits of writing your code in XML include:
- It’s easy to read!
- It scales!
- Cross platform
- TRANSFORM! your code using XSLT!
- Search your AST with XPath or CSS!
The enterprise gem even comes with a handy “enterprise” binary to help
start converting your existing legacy Ruby code in to scaleable, easy
read XML files. Let’s start getting rid of that nasty Ruby code and
it with XML today!
- require files completely written in XML
- convert existing legacy ruby code to XML
Let’s say you have some legacy Ruby code that looks like this:
class Foo
def hello_world
puts Foo.new.hello_world
Let’s convert that crappy ruby code to XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?>Now, simply save that XML file out to “test.xml”. With the enterprise
to execute this xml file, we just do:
$ enterprise_ruby test.xml
enterprise lets you do a require on pure xml files too. We can load the
test.xml file like so:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘enterprise’
require ‘test’
The final feature is an enterprise migration assistant. To migrate an
project to be enterprise, just do this:
$ enterprise some_directory
To make a single file enterprise, just give it the filename:
$ enterprise some_file.rb
I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “how much does this enterprise solution
me?”. Well, like any good enterprise system, it is insanely expensive.
gem will cost you eleventy billion dollars payable to me, now.
Like all good enterprise solutions, we do our best to get you stuck in a
of dependencies. We are working hard to increase the number of
but here is the current list
- ruby2ruby
- ruby_parser
- nokogiri
- polyglot
- sudo gem install enterprise
1.0.0 / 2009-06-17
1 major enhancement
- Entering in to the enterprise
- Bringing ruby in the back door